“Aside from morning sickness, he doesn’t say anything.”

The doctor pauses for a moment as if thinking.

“I think my theory is right, Mew,” the doctor says as he flips the patient record. “Because it seems to me that Gulf here is suppressing himself to show this pregnancy symptoms. He barely reached his BMI therefore he must eat more. And pregnant people are usually picky eater.”

“Yeah, I remember he can’t eat his favorite cake anymore.”

“Yes, it’s because of the pregnancy,” the doctor confirms. “As some may suffer less from these symptoms, others are more complicated which I think is where I categorize your husband. Basing from the amount of stress he accumulated.”

“Is there any factor at home that pushes him to suppress his wants? Is this an unplanned pregnancy, perhaps?” The doctor asks.

Mew can only bite his inner cheek. “Not really…just a little complicated set up.”

The doctor nods seeing Mew’s expression. “I hope you can fix it soon. Gulf has to feel comfortable in his environment and not suppress his wants because the more he suppresses it, the more stress he will feel and please be more watchful of him from now on. He seems to be the type who is not fond of bothering anyone.”

Mew can’t help but rake his hair in frustration. It feels like he has been poured with a pail of water from the doctor’s words. How careless of him to just trust Gulf’s words. He has been seeing the younger’s pale looking face for weeks and he can’t believe he bought Gulf’s fine and okay. And those puffy eyes, he thought it’s because it’s morning because he has seen Gulf like that since Day 1. How stupid of him to assume things. He should’ve probed and this might not happen.

After some time of watching the younger, Mew sees Gulf stirring so he quickly rushes to his side, holding the younger’s hand as he looks at Gulf carefully, afraid to miss any signs of discomfort. The younger’s vision seems to be unfocused before he mumbles: “P’Mew…”

“Gulf, I’m here…” Mew’s voice shakes as his grip on the younger’s hand tightens. “I’m here, Nong.”

“Where…?” Gulf words hang in the air when he remembered how he felt so dizzy and then…nothing.

As if on cue, the younger quickly sits up and holds his belly with tears already brimming in his eyes.

He didn’t...right…?

Mew immediately circles his arm on the younger’s shoulder.

“Ssh, Gulf, everything’s fine. The baby’s fine. Please don’t cry, Nong. Nothing’s wrong. It’s not good for you.”

However, Mew’s words seem to fall into deaf ears as Gulf continues to weep. Mew feels something tugs in him hearing and seeing the younger’s broken cries, so before he can think, he envelops the other guy in his arms. He wants to give Gulf comfort.

Gulf cries harder as he feels warmth wrapping him like a blanket. He feels safe. But he feels bad. He feels so bad with what happen. He feels even worse thinking that something terrible could have happened.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry…”

Gulf sobs until he feels like choking.

Mew tightens his hold on the younger as he feels like something pierces in him…and it hurts.

“It’s not your fault, Nong,” Mew assures the guy in his arms. “I’m sorry you have to feel this way. It’s not your fault.”

Mew hugs the younger until he feels that Gulf tries to pull away so he loosens his hold.

Gulf then clutches on the Mew’s arms as he looks at the older in the eyes as if begging for forgiveness, tears streaming on his cheeks. And Mew can only sit still feeling how his chest tightened so painfully.

“I’m sorry, Phi,” Gulf cries harder. “I just…I…I still can’t believe what happened to me and I…I think I’m still denying this…my condition.”

“But I didn’t…” Gulf shakes his head desperately. “I don’t want something to happen to the baby, I promise. Trust me, please. I’m sorry…”

Mew can feel something has cracked inside him watching the younger’s desperate crying voice. Oh, god.

Cupping the younger’s face with both hands; Mew gently wipes the tears on Gulf’s face with his thumbs.

“Ssh, I told you, it’s not your fault, na?”


“Everything’s fine, Nong, please no more. It’s not good for you.”

Gulf only nods as his tears continue to flow. Mew keeps on wiping those, he hates seeing the younger like this.

They are engulfed with silence and Gulf’s sniffing before Mew speaks in a soft voice.

“From now on, can you promise to lean on me, na?”

When Mew is met with Gulf’s fresh tears again, he continues: “If you will feel really uncomfortable in the future, I want you to tell me. But I want you to promise me that you will lean on me.”

Gulf only nods as his vision continues to blur from his tears.

“I know you’re not comfortable and everything is so sudden,” Mew starts. “But let me work on it, na? We’re in this together, right?”

With another nod from the younger, Mew speaks more: “I might invade your comfort zone, Nong. But can you promise to just let me?”

Drying the younger’s face as Gulf seems to calm down; Mew says the words he never thought he would utter in his partly fake marriage.

“I will come to you and I want you to stay where you are.”

To be continued...

Well? I think that went fine, I guess? My deep apologies if there are details which seem a little off the chart about the pregnancy thing. As much as google offered me infos, I want it to appear like tat. Peace, I guess?

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