"Besides, my mother is coming back. She and my father-in-law will be there too... I'd like to ask you something, if you're up for it."

"Go ahead."

" Well... I'd like it if you and my mother would help me develop my powers better" he says wearing the shirt.

Nabu scratches his chin, sitting on the bench in the locker room.

"Why not? It could be done...classes with Principal Griffin I guess aren't enough."

"No, it's not about that. It's more of a way to spend time with my mom and also to test myself with you and measure myself"

Nabu gives a slight grin. Riven would never stop being competitive and always looking for someone to challenge.

"Then... if I were able to master my powers, I could be more useful around the house. Musa needs more time to herself, I can give her some free time on the weekends, but in two days how much can she do? I mean, she sings at Bill's club, she goes out with her friends, she visits her dad... I would want more for her."

"Well, why don't you ask Bill if he knows anyone who can sign her to record an album?"

"Let's see... " he says wetting his hair a little and finishing getting dressed. "I'm off, bye Nabu, see you in the morning!"

"Bye Riven, have a good night!"

The specialist walks out of the locker room of the Red Fountain gym and suddenly finds Codatorta in front of him.

"Oh, good evening professor!"

"Hello Riven, were you leaving?"

"Yes, but tell me..."

" Well, Saladin would like to talk to you. If of course you can stay for a few minutes."

"Of course I can!"

Codatorta nods and accompanies a curious Riven into the office. He enters glimpsing Saladin from his desk. He found the man funny in his small stature....

"You called for me, Headmaster?"

"Oh Riven, come on in!"

Riven enters and takes a seat. Saladin looks away from his magic orb and then looks at the boy.

"Riven how many years have you been studying here?"

"Almost six, sir. I came here when I was sixteen, like everyone else."

"Mmm... even though you graduated three years ago, you've continued to study here and engage as a paid assistant."

"Yes..." Riven would have turned twenty-two in October. He felt like a bit of a fish out of water among the kids.

"Listen to me, you were one of the best students I ever had, despite your temperament. Now you're also a father, and I don't think you'll settle for a humble salary like an assistant."

Riven doesn't respond, letting Saladin conclude.

"Well, I'd like you to become a lecturer here at Red Fountain..."



Musa was preparing dinner, with cartoons playing in the background to keep the twins quiet, when she hears Riven come back in. Suddenly she feels herself being lifted off the ground and kissed fiercely.

"Hey, Riv, what's wrong with you!"

"Musa! I have incredible news!"

"Huh?! And what? You found a house?"

Riven shakes his head, kissing her again, before telling her everything.

"In September, I'm officially going to be a professor at Red Fountain!"

"What??? Really? Oh holy moly, I can't believe it!" She squeaks joyfully, kissing him.

"Yep, Codatorta and Saladin wanted to put me in charge of First Year Training. I'm still in disbelief... I figured he'd ask Sky or Brandon to teach.... "

"Riven, I think the principal has figured out what you're made of... and I can imagine a favorable word from Helia as well."

"Well whatever it was, I'd like to celebrate on Saturday! I had invited Nabu and Aisha but I guess I'll extend the invitation to the rest of the crew!" he says laughing.

"Of course you will!"

"What about you with the house hunting?"

"I've got my eye on two, I've made the appointment for next week, Dad's going to host us for a couple of days." she says smiling.

Their lives were changing... First the house search, then Riven's new job. Who knows if Musa would achieve her dream, without giving up her family?

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