20. Changes

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Musa and Riven, on a sunny Sunday morning, walked out of the house with their little ones, going to the park in Magix City. Although they couldn't play, Jayjay and Harm loved getting some fresh air, Musa demanded that the little ones go to the park at least twice a week. As they walk, as do all the other families and people there, Musa begins to pick up the conversation.

"Riv, you know I love our little house so much though...I think for four is not enough..."

Riven nods, scratching his chin. He had grown some beard, giving him that mature look.

"Mmm... well, you've got a point there, pixie. Do you want to start looking for a house?"

"Yes, if we can afford it..."

"Well my mother left me a modest nest egg!" he says sarcastically. "With that money we could buy our own house, bigger and wider. Then, otherwise, we can live off our work."

"Yeah... I'd just like to think about whether to go live on Melody or stay here."

"If we went to live on Melody, you could start your music career and lean on Golden Auditorium. I can use the hawk to move from Melody to Red Fountain" Riven wanted Musa to be happy, she would be able to spend time with her father and Ho-Boé would enjoy his grandchildren more. Jayden, meanwhile, sees a little butterfly fluttering in front of him. He reaches out his little hands, turning the butterfly into a giant butterfly that looked anything but pleasant, scaring him and his sister. People in the park scream upon seeing that flying monster, causing Musa and Riven to turn around.

"Damn it! REVERSO!!!" shouts Riven casting a spell on the flying monster giving it back its old appearance. Jayden and Harmony start to cry, still scared. Riven approaches the little ones.

"No magic outside the house, you naughty!"

Jayjay and Harmony look at Daddy a little sad at the scolding. Musa was still shaken.

"Since when do you cast spells?"

Riven chuckles, putting the twins who had been fidgeting back together.

"Private lessons with Principal Griffin and Codatorta. He is not a wizard, however he is familiar with the dark magic of witches. I learned some basic spells, I want to use my power for good and for everyday things" he says caressing her cheek.

Musa kisses him softly, every day more in love with him.

"Mmmmommmy..." Harmony calls to her. Musa removes her glasses and closes her laptop, a little tired of looking at ads for houses for sale on Melody. She stands up taking her little one in her arms, bending down to pick up the toys her children threw on the floor. Harmony clutches at her breast, pulling her top up.

"You ate just now, sweetie," she giggles.

Harmony didn't want milk, but just wanted to play with Mommy and do magic.


"It's okay, Harm..." smiles mom. She sits on the couch with her and they start doing little magic while waiting for Riven to come back from Red Fountain.

"So, Riv, how are Musa and the little ones?" asks Nabu, as Riven was changing to go home.

"They're fine, one of these nights, Musa and I wanted to invite you and Aisha over for dinner, if you'd like," he says with his usual aloof manner but without being rude.

"We'd love to come, just tell us when" laughs the young wizard.

"How about this Saturday?"


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