24 | let him go.

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a/n: i am so so so beyond sorry for this.

charlotte morgan.

And just like that, I'm Charlotte Morgan. After years of hating the last name legacy that I had, I'm able to make a change for myself. I'm able to let myself become the person that I've always wanted to be.

In the last two years that I have spent with Derek, I have matured and I have learned to love. I have become the person that I always wanted to be; that person being Charlotte Morgan.

It may just be the blissful part of the honeymoon phase or the fact that my last name has changed — but all the weight has finally dropped off my shoulders.

The happiness swirls around in my mind as the team lets out a cheer, Emily bringing more drinks to the table. Derek and I insisted that we all get a good night's rest since we're all headed back to Virginia tomorrow, but the entire team simply just refused, stating that this celebration was more important.

Spence clears his throat, getting up to stand on a chair, "A toast to the newlyweds." He states in a bright tone, raising his tall glass of champagne, "I have known Derek for what I like to think was half my life, and I have been proud to know Charlotte for the last two years. I have watched them both grow, bloom and flourish into the people that they are today. I have watched them go through hell together, and yet they still made it to the other side together. That's what true love is. I look at Derek and Charlotte and hope that Luke and I are able to have that kind of love together in the future — I keep hoping that we'll have the love they have, that the universe keeps wanting to hold us together, even through all the curveballs..." He states, his words slurring together.

The slurred words scared me the most. I didn't realize anything before, but when his words slurred the most that they have ever before, I got concerned. He kept mentioning how he wished the universe wouldn't tear him and Luke apart, plus his words slurring together...it was obvious that something wasn't right with him at all. I wish I had realized sooner. I wish I had known. I wish I could've found a way to help.

Spence looks over to me and Derek, his eyes searching the small space between the two of us, "Remember; love is like rain — it can nourish from above, drenching couples from soaking joy. but sometimes, under the angry heat of life, love dries on the surface and must nourish from below — tending to it's roots to keep itself alive." He pauses, letting out a soft exhale, "The universe wants you guys together, tend to your roots and make us all happy by staying together." He states.

Love is like rain - it can nourish from above, drenching couples from soaking joy. but sometimes, under the angry heat of life, love dries on the surface and must nourish from below - tending to it's roots to keep itself alive.

I never knew a quote could mean so damn much to me...but it does. I never realized what it could have meant until now.

Spence grins widely, "I love you guys." He pauses, placing out his glass, "Cheers." He states as glasses all around us begin clinking together, multiple cheers being let out.

"Cheers." Derek and I state in unison and as soon as the glasses begin to disperse, we look at each other.

In that moment, wide smiles spread across our faces as our eyes meet in the glistening lights of the backyard patio. Derek dips in, his lips connecting with mine as we live in the moment, electricity coursing through the kiss and through my veins.


The constant ringing of a phone courses through the room, my mind empty as I rub my eyes in confusion.

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