19 | acceptance.

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a/n: this chapter is a bit of a filler while i sort out the rest of the plot [ keep an eye out for the easter eggs in this chapter ;) ].

anyways, enjoy!! :) i love you all tons! <3

derek morgan.

I walk into the small warehouse that Garcia told me to meet her at, "Please tell me you got something." I state in a loud tone, my voice bouncing off the walls as it echoes.

Garcia turns around in her swivel chair, "I did." Garcia states in a soft tone, a small smile dancing on her lips as she speaks.

"Show me." I state, walking over to the desk she set up in the middle of the warehouse.

I place my hands on the edge of the desk, causing Garcia's brows to furrow and her jaw to drop as she looks up at me.

"What?" I ask in pure confusion.

"You're wearing a paper ring." She states.

I nod slightly, "Yeah, Charlotte and I-" I begin to spill the beans, but I soon cut myself off, "I mean- uh, Louie made it for me today when he was doing arts and crafts. He said my finger looked bare." I lie, knowing that Charlotte and I aren't telling the team so that we can keep the ceremony on the low.

Garcia narrows her eyes at me, giving me a small nod.

I'm really hoping she bought that lie.


charlotte rhodes.

"Hey, hey." I state in a bright tone, my teeth jittering as I walk up to Spence, meeting him on the corner of a sidewalk on the streets of downtown Chicago.

Spence rubs his temples, "H-Hey. You ready to go in?" He asks, running his fingers along his forehead as he massages it thoroughly.

I nod slightly, my brow furrowing in concern, "You okay?" I ask in a low tone.

Spence lets out a dry chuckle, "Yeah, just a headache -- it's probably from this cold weather. I'm not used to it." He states as he rummages through his bag, "Have you seen my sunglasses anywhere?" He asks.

"Why do you need your sunglasses?" I ask.

Spence scoffs, still rubbing his head, "What kind of question is that, Char? I need them because clearly the sunlight is making my headache worse." He states in a harsh tone.

I glance slightly at the sky -- noticing that the sun is completely covered by the clouds.

I kept wondering to myself, "Why the hell would he need his sunglasses when it's barely sunny out and we're in the cold?"

God I was so clueless, and I wish I would've realized it sooner. I wish I had more time.

"God, where the hell did I put them? I know I took them out of the hotel with me this morning." He states, furiously rummaging through his bag, "This headache is making me lose my memory, I swear." He mutters.

"They're on your head, Spence. Can you not feel them balancing on your forehead" I ask in concern, my brows furrowing.

"Oh, right, yeah." Spence mutters, pulling down the sunglasses to cover his eyes.

Loss of feeling, headaches, memory loss...all of these signs, yet I didn't catch on any sooner. How stupid could I have fucking been?


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