23 | electricity.

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a/n: i cried writing this chapter! it's not necessarily a sad moment, but i'm super sensitive, so even the happiest moments for charlotte and derek make me sob while writing. anyways, i hope you all enjoy this chapter. i love you all tons<3.

derek morgan.

I rock anxiously on my heels, standing next to the chaplain in the room that we're going to have the ceremony — there's empty chairs laid out in front of us, which will probably confuse Chatlotte, but she'll understand why they're there in the end.

Louie stands by my side, wearing a black tuxedo with a small bow tie. I'm wearing the same, matching tuxedo as him — wanting to have a small father-son thing with him — a long tie dipping down into the half buttoned up blazer.

"Sir, are you alright?" A familiar voice pipes up from beside me.

I nod slightly, a small grin dancing on my lips as I glance over to the chaplain, "Just hoping this plan doesn't blow up in my face at the moment." I state in a low tone, piercing my lips together as the nerves rise inside of my body.

"I'm sure it will. God has a plan for it all, I'm sure He would want everything to work out for you today." The chaplain states.

His words sting as he speaks and what I want to say is;

No offense, Chaplain, but I really do not want God's plan in this all — he didn't seem to have a helping plan when it came to Carl Buford, so I don't think I need him here either.

But instead I just give him a small nod, "I'm sure He would. Thanks, Chaplain." I state in a low tone.

"Anytime, kid." He states, "I never see you come around church with your mom anymore, she told me you're a big shot in Virginia. How's that treating you?" He asks.

I shrug my shoulders a bit, "What can you say? I love the job, my team is amazing. You can clearly tell, I think- mainly just because the woman I'm marrying works with me." I state.

"You work with your fiancée?" He asks.

I nod, a small smile dancing on my lips, "Met her on the job two years ago." I state, the distant memory of us meeting fills my mind;paThen

The girl nods slightly at his words, "Yeah. I'm interviewing for the new position that opened up." She state, giving her shoulders a small shrug as she speaks.

Reid and I nod, "Good luck. We'll see you when you finish." We state in unison.

Obviously our words might've taken the girl off track — possibly even scared her a bit too much — because the thing she does next doesn't come to a surprise to neither Reid nor I.

She takes a couple steps back, her brows furrowing in full concern as she glances between us and then around the elevator — looking for some kind of escape route or something.

"Great, she thinks we're fucking stalkers or pedophiles now." I mutter under my breath, careful for neither of them to hear me.

"Oh, I'm sorry that uh- that came out wrong. I uh-" Reid begins, noticing how wrong our words had sounded, "I'm Spencer, Dr. Spencer Reid." He states.

The girl glances towards me as I grin softly, trying not to be flirty in any way, "And I'm SSA Derek Morgan, we'll be your future coworkers." I state, placing my hand out for her to shake.

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