16 | tease.

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charlotte rhodes.

I make my way outside, Derek's arm wrapped around me tight. My eyes scan the crowds of people -- police cars surrounding the block as curious bystanders watch.

"I wanna find Louie." I state.

Derek grins softly at my words, glancing down at me slightly, "We'll find him. We just have to find Reid, and Louie will be there with him." He states in a low, reassuring tone as he looks back towards the crowds.

His eyes search the crowds for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly as they do. It only takes have a second before he's pointing in a specific direction, "There." He states, surely.

We make our way through the large crowds of police men, SWAT members, FBI officers, news reporters, security, along with innocent, confused bystanders that are letting their curiousity get the best of them.

As we get closer to Reid and Louie, we try out best to avoid any kinds of news reporters -- the last thing we need is Louie's face on the news along with people hunting him down to question him after all this.

He's a traumatized kid who's only four years old -- there's no way in hell he can answer any of their questions...not right now, at least.

A wide smile dances on my lips as Louie's eyes meet mine, his eyes lighting up when he notices me.

"Hey bud." I state as we walk up to him.

"I told you I'd be right back, and that I'd bring Charlotte with me." Derek states.

"Spence showed me his cool car." Louie pipes up, his smile brighter than ever.

A smile appears on Spence's lips as Louie speaks, giving us all a small nod.

Louie lets out a small yawn as I take him into my arms, "Are you tired?" I ask

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Louie lets out a small yawn as I take him into my arms, "Are you tired?" I ask.

"Well, yeah, he's obviously tired. Did you not just see him yawn?" Derek asks in a low tone as I elbow him in the side.

Derek winces at the sudden impact, "Sheesh, I'm sorry. No need to get all feisty." He states as Reid chuckles lightly from his reaction.

"I'll see you guys in the morning." Reid states, giving all three of us small hugs before turning on his heels and walking away -- going to find Luke in the crowd.

"Let's get you home." I state.

Derek turns to me slightly, dropping down to my ear level, "I have connections -- I'll call DCFS and have them send Luisa over to my mom's house so we can see if this can be sorted out while Louie naps." He whispers.

I nod slightly at his words, "It's gonna be a longer process than that..." I state in a low tone, not wanting to get either of our hopes too high up.

"Then we'll hope for the best." Derek states with full positivity and hope in his tone.

I nod, making my way to the car, "I don't have a car seat-" I begin.

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