The Mystery Fighter III (8)

Start from the beginning

«Did Zayden tell you what happened?»

Rick sighed, seemingly tired. «Yes, and he'll tell you once he gets out.»

I nodded, knowing not to push Rick for any more information. He couldn't be bothered to deal with me too at this moment.

I went to the kitchen and prepared a plate for Zayden as Rick left the apartment. He had told me that Zayden had yet to eat anything, so a proper meal was long overdue.

In the silence, I could clearly hear the water from the shower in the bathroom stop running.

As I transferred the food from the tin foil packet onto the plate, I heard the bathroom door open.

«Rick, you gotta help me with th- oh-»

Zayden stopped short at the entrance of the kitchen. I looked up at him and found him looking at me with an amusingly confused expression.

«Cassie... Oh, my bad I thought Rick was in here.» Zayden rubbed the back of his neck lazily. He looked away from me for a split second, and I noticed a flash of hesitation in his expression. «You're here early."

I watched as he slowly entered the kitchen. His wounded arm was placed in a sling, and the thick bandage over his broken nose was still on. His hair was wet under the small towel thrown carelessly over his head. In his grip was a new bandage roll.

I couldn't help the small smile that appeared on my face as I took the image of him in. He looked battered, but he was awake. At last.

«Rick headed out for some food and to look for you phone. I'll stay here with you in the meantime,» I answered.

Zayden chuckled at that. «It feels like the two of you are babysitting me.»

I finished plating his dinner before approaching him. 

Automatically, my hand raised up to his face and pushed a couple of wet strands of hair away from his eyes. It was as if I was working on autopilot from last night. 

I held a strand in between my fingers. A feeling of satisfaction grew as I saw his face flush slightly at my action.

«Did you shower ok? How were you even able to wash you hair?» My hand dropped back to my side.

«Rick helped me with the hair and got everything else ready for me. My good arm fixed the rest, no problem,» Zayden shrugged. 

I nodded, my eyes landing on the bandage roll in his hand. He followed my line of vision.

«Ah yeah, I was about to ask Rick if he could help re-wrap my torso...»

Hitching his shirt up, he handed me the roll of bandages and watched as I with quick hands worked the compress around his wound. After all these years of fighting and brawls, it was no surprise that I had good experience with how to correctly handle a bind. 

The Mystery Fighter IIIWhere stories live. Discover now