Chapter 14 - Levi

Start from the beginning

My heart thumps in my chest as sweat gathers along my brow line. "Why are you telling this? You know I don't care for love stories."

Hange's gaze becomes solemn, and now those gleaming lenses fix pointedly on me. "Oh, trust me, Levi. This is no love story. The knight was beheaded once the nobility found out about his clandestine affair with the queen, and then the queen committed suicide three weeks later as the loss became too much to bear..."

I shift uncomfortably. Damn, that's depressing and so close to mine and Historia's story. Without thinking, I brush my hand around my neck.

Would they behead me too once they discover all the things I have done to Historia? What she has done to me?

We've done things that would make your grandmother's toes curl...

"Another interesting thing about this story: The knight had been some years older than the queen. So had the king for that matter too, yet I'm starting to notice some similar patterns and trends..."

I furrow my brows. "So, what, you think Historia and I are the reincarnations of this knight and queen?"

Hange shrugs. "Who knows. I may be a woman of science, but lately, I've started to entertain the idea of reincarnation, as you're aware."

Of course. That darn cat. I left him with Historia back at the orphanage, so Erwin II will be keeping her and the kids company from now on.

I do miss the dead birds he used to leave on the porch of a morning. I highly doubt he is Erwin, but I did see some strange things one misty night.

Putting the memory out of mind, I focus my attention on Hange again. "Well, get to the point. Stop beating around the bush."

Hange taps her fingers together, keeping them inside that steeple shape. "It seems history is repeating itself. Queen Helene and Sir Levan may not have got the chance to produce their own heirs, but... you and Historia still may be able to..."

My heart rings throughout my skull as I stare at the woman aghast. What...?

Hange rights herself, trying to comfort me at once. "I know the news will come as a shock. It's the last thing I would ever want to put you through, no, your child through, but the idea came to me when you left my office the other night..."

I watch her speechless as she rambles on. How could she have known what Historia and I had discussed? How could she know what we saw in the Path?

It... almost seems like fate...

She continues, "It was after I promised that neither Historia nor her children will have to be turned. Now Levi... what I am about to discuss with you must never leave this office. It is downright treason. Not only that but highly selfish. We are letting our affections for the girl get in the way of our seeing sense. It does make sense for Historia to inherit the Beast and become a titan of royal blood so she and Eren can enact a small-scale rumbling. But... if she were to fall pregnant... there just may be a chance she can buy us time, to come up with another way of saving Paradis. Ten months to be exact. Also, Zeke has two years left of his term, but the MPs won't wait that long. They will turn her and make her eat Zeke the moment he steps foot on the island."

I suck air through my teeth, letting it all sink in. I wouldn't put it past them, but what's stopping them from trying to turn a pregnant woman? A pregnant woman holding my child?

I grip the leather armrests of my chair, my fingernails tearing through the fabric as my thoughts take a murderous turn. I swear... I will kill any bastard who lays a hand on Historia, whether she's pregnant or not.

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