"Okay!" Stiles shouted back. 

Iris winced. 

"And Jared, keep your eyes on the horizon." 

Stiles's face lit up, as if... he had an idea, an idea to get the bus to stop. 

*  *  *


ris stumbled after the rest of her peers off the bus. Between the headache and the strong stench of vomit, she, herself, had begun to feel nausea take a complete hold on her body. She placed a delicate hand over her mouth and focused on her feet hitting the pavement. She was heading for the safety of the bathroom, away from prying eyes. As she did, she took note of Stiles, Scott, Allison, and Lydia taking off in the same direction. Briefly, her mind went over the fact that Allison and Lydia were there. But before she could dwell on it, a strong burning sensation traveled up her chest and she broke into a sprint. 

She barely made it to an open stall before she emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet. 

The sound of it hitting the water made her ears ring and she gagged at the smell. 

It'd been forever since she'd last reacted so strongly to something like that. She wasn't an "empathetic vomiter," as Coach put it, but the smell...
The memory sent Iris heaving again. 

She groaned quietly but refused to let her head rest on the toilet seat even though her body seemed to get heavier with every shallow breath. The outside world went away and she could only focus on how disgusting and sick she felt. Her stomach burned and the taste of vomit on her lips reminded her of how she'd reacted to waking up in a hospital after-

The door creaked loudly. 

Someone was coming in. 

Every nerve in Iris's body was set alight as she recognized the smell. 


Relief replaced the panic. 

With the back of her hand, Iris shakily wiped away the remnants of her upheave from her mouth. Her knees ached from where they had harshly met the floor. 

She heard the sharp intake of breath Stiles took when he finally rounded the corner and caught sight of her kneeling. 

He whispered under his breath, "Oh, shit."

The bathroom had grown cold in the past few minutes and Iris shivered lightly. 

Stiles stepped forward to do something, anything to help the girl in front of him. Her skin was paler than its normal shade and she kept shivering, even though the bathroom was warmer than outside and seemed to be getting warmer the longer he stood. In short, she looked bad and he didn't like it. Hesitating for only a second, Stiles slid down to the floor next to Iris. 

A pair of jean-clad legs entered her vision. She looked up to see a pair of brown eyes with moles dotting the surrounding skin. An erratic heartbeat filled her ears, which quickly reminded her of the anxious pit in her stomach. She opened her mouth to speak, to explain herself but the burning sensation, duller this time, arose in her chest. She turned away from Stiles to heave in the toilet again. 

Cool, slightly quivering hands brushed her neck and she shivered at the cold meeting her heated skin. It was a relieving sensation that sent tingles down her back. However, it did little to alter her entire body's temperature and she remained wrapped in overwhelming warmth. 

Stiles gingerly grabbed the soft waves of dirty blonde hair and brushed them out of her face. 

They stayed there, with Stiles's hand resting gently on her head, holding her hair, and Iris dry heaving until all she could do was shudder. After Stiles realized she was done, he moved his fingers away only to tuck her hair behind her ears. 

(Discontinued) When the Wolves Howl | Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now