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Spring 2018

"All units move in." Elena Rodriguez smiled at the sound of Mac's voice. The world seemed to slow down as she ran into the building. In reality, she was moving fast. Inhumanly fast. "Yo-yo, where you at?" The director's voice crackled through the speaker.

"The Rendezvous point. Where you should be."

"Not all of us have super speed." Piper ran into the room, out of breath.

"Maybe not, but at least you don't have turtle man's speed." Yo-yo responded. "Where's Davis?"

"He had to fall back to cover for me, he'll be here soon" Piper spun around as Mac entered the room.

"The mission's been compromised." Mac told the pair of them. "The Avengers are in combat with an alien known as Thanos. He's collected 5 of the 6 infinity stones, and he's about to tear the last one out of Vision's head. He plans to use the stones to wipe out half of the population. We're heading there now." Mac yelled and looked down at his legs. They were disintegrating.

"Mac!" Yo-yo grabbed Mac's arm, but it too had turned to dust.

"I think we're too late." Piper whispered

Daisy Johnson was alone. She sat in shock next to the pile of dust that had been Daniel Sousa only moments before. Tears stung at her eyes, but she pushed them back. She had to think straight. Call Kora, call May, just call someone. Taking a deep breath, she got up, and stumbled her way to the phone. Dialing the number that belonged to her older sister, she listened as the ringtone changed to voicemail.

Daisy ran outside. Kora's home was only a few blocks away. She held out her hands with her open palms facing toward the ground. She focused on the vibrations, and felt a gentle humming in her fingertips. She launched herself into the air, landing a few houses down the street from Kora's

She ran up to the door and knocked. No answer. "Kora!" she yelled, and continued pounding against the door. She reached out and blasted the door open. "Kora?" The only thing in the house that greeted her was a pile of dust next to the kitchen table.

It was a perfect day to have a picnic at the park. At least, that's what Alya Fitz told her father that morning, and as Leopold Fitz had to keep his reputation of Favorite Daddy Ever alive, he didn't seem to have much of a choice.

"Let's get you buckled in there, little monkey." Jemma smiled as her sweet girl made a series of monkey noises.

"Are we ready to go?" Fitz said after Jemma had climbed into the front seat.

"Absolutely." A small voice came from the backseat. The drive to the park didn't take long, and when they sat down to have their lunch, Alya immediately decided she would rather play.

Fitz waited at the bottom of a long twisty slide for his daughter. He saw her at the top of the slide as she shouted "Best day ever!" Then she vanished into the tube and the only thing that came out was a stream of dust.

"Alya?" Fitz called up the slide. "Come on out or I'm going to eat your dessert!" He looked around and saw other piles all around where kids and parents had been only a short time before. "Alya!" Fitz ran back to the picnic blanket to find that Jemma had shared the same fate.

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