The first battle

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We start at a aircraft carrier with two fox sisters (Kaga and Akagi) as they talk we see a red plane land on the carrier with Eugen landing down as well.
As they talk Manfred pays no attention just waiting to do as he is told. Soon Eugen radios Manfred.

Prinz Eugen: "I want you to go ahead to these cornets and we will fallow up. Once there you will engage all enemy aircraft. The friendly aircraft will have a large red dot so take out all others."

Manfred: "Understood, also remember if you need me in a battle call me."

Time skip

Manfred flys over to the battle a little ahead of the rest of the fleet but not very far off. Enterprise launches planes at Zuikaku. Zuikaku turns around to the planes reading herself to block only for bullets to come from behind her. She turns to see a red plane speeding towards her but than looks back to Enterprise's planes only to nothing. Manfred broadcasts on an open frequency "I got the skies and your back my ally" as Manfred starts shooting Enterprise. Enterprise has a confused as fuck look on her face while Zuikaku just looks at Shōkaku who just shrugs. Enterprise tries to launch more planes only to be bombed by Manfred. He continues his assault he shoots at Cleveland, Laffly, and Javelin forcing them to back up only to bombarded by Eugen. They all open up their AA but they couldn't hit him and had to refocus on Eugen. Eugen radios Manfred "Keep the planes out of the sky and leave the rest to us" Manfred responds with "Ja" and starts to shoot down the rest of the enemy planes. It was obvious that Azur Lane was was on the verge of defeat as Enterprise was at her limit and was about to be stuck down a white haired maid blocks the strike. Zuikaku was confused and asks who she is to which she responds "Just a maid passing through" everyone but Eugen looks confused as she explains who Belfast is. Manfred knew she was British and so he turned his plane around and yelled into the open radio "DUCK" Zuikaku hits the floor as Manfred speeds at Belfast dropping a bomb on her. Belfast yells in anger "Do you think you can best the Royal Navy" Manfred responds "The royal brits can kiss my ass" Belfast now enraged yells "We have the main royal fleet on its way here right now" as she points to the incoming fleet. Manfred says through the radio to an allied frequency "Retreat I will give you some time" as he speeds at the flagship he shoots the front deck of the Queen Elizabeth as all on the get down to avoid being shot fell right into Manfred's trap he than began to go up at an 180 before spinning around and diving down and getting real close to the water and releasing a torpedo right into the stern of the Queen Elizabeth jamming the rudder causing the ship to turn an ram the Hood. Manfred than says on an open frequency "you will learn to fear the name The Red Baron" as he flies back to his fleet.

The Red Ace of ironblood (Red baron X Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now