"Thanks," I sigh out, "Is she all healthy?"

"Of course," Doctor Demi says, "I would like it if you spent the rest of the day here, to make sure you two are both healthy and okay."

"Of course." I smile, as I rub Ember's back, "Oh shit!"

"What?" Jeremiah asks, "Also no cursing in front of the baby."

"What about Luciana?" I asked, "Who's watching her?"

"I mind linked Lily. She's watching her." Jeremiah says.

"Thank god." I sigh out, before laughing.

"Can I hold her?" Jeremiah asks.

"Of course." I say, sitting up a bit and handing Ember over to Jeremiah.

I watch as she looks so small in Jeremiah's arms. Jeremiah looks at Ember, like she is this fragile piece of glass. In a way, she is like a piece of glass, like she could break if held the wrong way. It makes me wonder, what Jeremiah's first child, Ember, looked like. I wonder if my baby girl looked like her. Maybe I should ask him, but I was too nervous. I see Jeremiah looking over at me,

"You okay?" He asks.

"What did she look like?" I asked.

"What did who look like?" He asks.

"What did Ember look like?" I asked, "The one my f- Alistair turned?"

"What were you about to call Alistair?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Alistair is my father." I breathe out, "My mother left me her wedding dress as well as this note. Saying she was a vampire and that I was as well... Saying Alistair was my father."

"How long?" He asks.

"Four months." I sign out, looking down at my hands--I feel the tears form, "I'm so sorry."

"Hey Hey, it's okay." Jeremiah says, smiling, "I understand."

"You do?" I asked.

"Yeah, would you really tell the person who is trying to find him and kill him?" He asks, "Cause I wouldn't tell."

"So what are you going to do now?" I asked.

"I won't kill him." He says, "I mean he's your father. You grew up thinking Alexander was your actual father." I watch him look at Ember then me, "I can try to contact him, to meet yo-"

"No." I cut him off, "I don't want to meet him."

"Zelda..." Jeremiah says.

"Look, I get he is my father, but he also turned into my daughter. His granddaughter became a vampire. Against her will." I look Jeremiah in the eyes, "I could NEVER forgive him."

"Zel- Fine." He sighs out, "Will you at least invite him to the wedding?"

"I don't know." I sigh out, "I'd have to think about it."

"Right." He smiles, "Well you should go take a nap."

"Will you watch Ember while I sleep?" I asked.

"Of curse." He smiles, "I think she fell asleep anyway."

"If she did, you can choose to have her in your arms or her little bed." I say.

"I'll put her in the bed," He says, "Just so she can sleep better."

"Okay." I yawn, "Nighty night."

"Sleep tight, my Luna." He whispers, kissing my forehead, before falling asleep.

#1 Lycan (Process of being Edited and Published)Where stories live. Discover now