Save You

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If there is 44 days in hell, you have your own version of it...,

You know that Keisuke is the devil itself. With that hot as hell body and an annoying attitude that will put any demon to shame, you know that he's Satan in a delinquent's body.

But you didn't know he was just as sadistic.

He was the one who brought your beaten body to the hospital. According to the doctor, aside from some head injuries, you're fine.

For the past days visitors come in and out of your hospital room. Even Mrs. Baji visited you and brought you your favorite food.

But Baji Keisuke himself never visited you for the past 44 days.

You tried asking his mom about him but she just explained that Keisuke is busy or if not busy, sick. He's coming up with all kinds of reasons not to visit you.

And you can't simply understand why.

Is he mad because you didn't remained at your seat? But you have no choice that time since the delinquents threatened to hurt your classmates if you don't come with them.

Or is he mad because you inconvenienced him by bringing you to the hospital? But he can just left you there...

.... right?


Or maybe he's not visiting simply because the two of you are archenemies. You remembered making you close your eyes.


Aye. That must be it.
It's been 44 days and now you're supposed to be discharged. Folding your things and preparing to leave, you looked at the door hopefully for one last time.

It's true that you can't feel pain but it doesn't mean you can't feel the pain of loneliness.


It's been 44 days since he last saw you...,

Keisuke Baji was waiting just right outside the hospital. Waiting for your figure to finally emerge from the hospital's goddamn exit. He's quite fidgety, nervous even. He didn't know how you'll react after he ghosted you for 44 days.

Well, he have his reasons.

Once he saw you emerged alone from the exit of the hospital, he immediately went to you and took your bags silently. Catching you by surprise.

"Kei?" You asked, surprised to see him picking you up from the hospital after 44 days of not visiting you.

He just maintained his silence and kept on walking briskly. Totally ignoring you.

"Kei?" You asked again, slightly bothered by his silence. "Keisuke? What's wrong?"

Like seconds ago, he continued to ignore you. It's as if he's just here to pick you up without holding conversations. Without talking or glancing to you.

That's totally out of character considering the foul-mouth of this guy. You thought, staring at him.

The two of you turned to an unfamiliar alley. One that doesn't lead to your neighborhood. Glancing at Keisuke, you were about to asked why did you turned here when he suddenly dropped your bags and slammed you to the wall.


Both of his hands are on your shoulder, his head bowed down making his long hair cover his face. You can't tell his emotions or what's going on in his mind right now. You don't seriously know what's going on.


"Do you always have to save everyone?" He suddenly asked seriously, still looking down and not meeting your eyes. His voice has a quiet quality. Lower than usual and has a sad tone to it.

This caught you by surprise. It's not usual for Baji Keisuke to show this amount of seriousness, especially to you. It's also not him to sound sad. To make sure, you placed the back of your hand at his forehead to check if he's feeling ill. He's worrying you. "Keisuke? Is anything wrong?"

And maybe there is.

For as he suddenly lifted his head making you meet his eyes, the glare in his eyes was intense. Eyes so sharp if only looks can kill you'd be dead by now. He's mad.

"Do you always have to save everyone?" He asked again, now he sound angry which confused you.

Never did Keisuke Baji raised his voice on you nor did he ever dared to harm you. There might be playful glares and the daily dose of profanities, but Keisuke's never been mad at you.

But the way he's acting now confuses you.

He's different.

"What's wrong with that-"

"Why do you always have to save everyone?! Do you really have to play hero and save every goddamn people in need?!" He asked. He can no longer contain his emotions. He've been worried sick for the past 44 days. Imagining what could've happened if he was even a minute late that time. Contemplating what other things he could've done for you. He's that worried.

He's that worried and afraid to lose you.

He know he can't afford it.

You're his arch nemesis after all.

"Do you really have to save everyone?"

He asked the question that have been weighing on his mind.

Do you really have to save everyone?

Do you really have to jump to the rescue everytime there's a sorry ass in need?

Do you really have to save everyone and risk your life?

That's the question he's asking right now and your obliviousness only infuriates him.

"I'm asking you what's wrong with that—!"

Your mind instantly went blank.

One moment you're having an argument, the next thing you knew you're kissing.

Baji's lips suddenly slammed on yours surprising you.

Is this how arguments are supposed to go?

You just remained completely still as your neighbor, classmate, and archenemy kiss you in an alley. Your back to the wall and you, totally confused on what you're supposed to do. On where to put your hands or if you're supposed to close your eyes or not. But fear not, for you doesn't need to be confused for long since it ended before you even knew it.

Once he pulled away, both of you are breathless. You're about to ask what was that for but Baji rested his head at your shoulders quietly making you shut your mouth. His arms are hanging limply at his side, his head buried at the crook of your shoulder.

You remained in that position for about five minutes or so. Not exchanging any words——just bathing in a gloomy silence. When passerbys passes you, all they see is a couple standing at a dark and quiet alley.

Keisuke cut that deafening silence.

"If you're going to save everyone..." He muttered softly, him inching closer and his arms suddenly surrounding your waist. Once he wrapped his arms around you, he tightened his hold and buried his head deeper to your neck. "Then who's gonna save you, Y/n?"


That evening, you discovered your shoulder damp.

The same shoulder where Keisuke Baji lay his head.

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