I groan and place my hands on my face as the office phone rings, I need food.

"Hello, Romy Rogers here." I answer in monotone. Fucking blurt it out already.

My mood was worsening by the second and the person on the side was just breathing into the fucking phone.

"Hello?" I snap into the phone. Mel will bury me alive for speaking this way but I'm beyond manners when the person on the other side is blatantly wasting my time.

"Hello Miss Rogers, Marcus Gold this side." My eyes are wide as saucers as my grip on my phone slackens a little. Is he stalking me?

"So can we can do Thursday Miss Rogers?" His deep voice snaps me into reality.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat what you said? My connection doesn't seem to be stable." I manage to say without stuttering.

I hear a deep sigh on the other side. " I said, if we could meet this Thursday to discuss the details of the merger. I could've sent a notice through my assistant, but I contacted you directly because I want you to know how important this deal to me. How big this could be for us. As companies." 

Merger? Shit, AGM Publishing? He owns it? How rich is this man?

"Sure Mister Gold. We can do Thursday, we deeply appreciate the gesture" I say referring to the way he chose to call me instead. 

"Thank you, have a good evening then." He rasps out.

I hear the familiar ping of the call disconnecting and let out a breath. That was something.

"Hey Romy, Melissa said you could go home for the evening." Ana pokes her head into my office.

"Oh thank the lord! I was so tired." I moan planting my face on the desk.

I could fall asleep here.

"None of that missy. You go home, eat a nice hot meal, sleep for eight hours. We gotta get grinding on that AGM merger." Ana pokes my cheek.

"Anaa!" I whine swatting her hand away.

She keeps at it relentlessly until I give up and get up. I gather my belongings and stretch and yawn loudly. I can see Ana shake her head at me in my peripheral at my childish antics. I simply shrug and leave my office.


I let out a contented sigh as my butt hits the sofa, my eyes close on their own accord and I almost slip into a blissful sleep until I hear my phone ringing.

"Hi Romy" I hear mom's soothing voice on the other side.

"Hi ma" I get my butt up, very lazily and walk towards the guest room, I needed to clean it up now that Andy and Cassie had left.

"....So I'm going to surprise your father with a trip. It's a three month long trip" I can hear how excited she is.

"Yes ma, it's a wonderful idea, to be honest. You've both been retired for quite a while and I think it'll be a nice change from constantly being home." I respond honestly. I open the guest bedroom thinking I'll see dirty sheets and an unmade bed, instead I see new sheets spread over the mattress and a small sticky note on one of the pillow covers.

I move closer to take a good look.

Thanks for last night. It was awesome. We hope it was just as good for you. The sheets are washed, dried and put back in their place. 

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