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Months later...
Killian's POV
It's been a while since Baelfire's death and I don't know how Swan is doing. I hope the love spell is still not affecting her anymore, but if it is, I'm going to destroy it.
Me and my crew have been staying on the Jolly Rodger, but staying docked in the Enchanted Forest, we do take the ship for a sail. Only around this sea area. Smee takes the crew to the tavern every night, except me. I stay on board and I've been watching Henry and I teach him the sailing skills I taught his father.

Henry's POV
My dad may be gone but I'm not sorry. I think me and Killian have really bonded together. Killian knew my dad really well; he knew Baelfire loved Wendy more than my mom and me and when we were in Neverland, Baelfire was just so selfish.
I wish Killian would marry my mom and be my dad!
And if they do ever get married, Killian will be my dad, my real dad. I know he will be.
I just know it.

Emma's POV
Baelfire is dead. Henry has lost his father. But I have to admit it, it's good he is gone. I never loved him, I was set up. But Rumplestiskin is still out there, what will he do now that his son is dead?
Killian has been taking Henry out on his ship and I am so grateful. I did remind him to be careful and he was. I really wish he could be mine and I could be his.
I came down to the docks and Killian and Henry were just coming off board the Jolly Rodger. I think those boys have really bonded. I just hope my parents can bond with Killian and love him as much as Henry does.
"Hey, Mom." He says as he runs over to me and we hug. "Hey, kid."
"We're going to your father's grave. My parents want a family gathering there."
"Can Hook come?" The kid asks and I look up at Killian.
"Yes, he can. My parents want you there too." I say.
"That's very kind of them." Killian replied
"You knew Bae." I say. We walk back up to the castle all three of us holding hands. Me in the middle with the two loving boys by my sides.

We all gather around Baelfire's grave. Henry had a rose in his hand and he placed it right on his father's grave.

Henry's POV
"Hey, Dad. You may have been my biological dad. But you never felt like a dad to me." I mutter. I don't think my family heard me, but I one day plan to tell my mom about this. I told Killian though.

Killian's POV
I know Baelfire so well that I do know one thing he wants from Emma and Henry. He wants them to be happy. He wants me to make them happy. I promised him that by his grave when he was first buried here and I am going to keep that promise.

Snow's POV
I can't believe my daughter as lost her first husband. But she never loved him properly. I wish Charming and I never made that deal with Rumplestiltskin. Henry may not have existed if Emma didn't marry Bae, but I want my daughter to be happy. She probably is right now with Hook

Emma's POV
My family leaves me and the Pirate in peace.
Hook and I sat on the bench in the garden all silent. Until Killian broke it with...
"Baelfire's gone now, love."
"Why do you say that?" I ask.
"You said you never loved him. You were under a love spell. Do you still feel it?" He says.
I like have no idea what he's talking about.
"Love spell? I never stopped loving Bae. He and I knew each other when we were kids. Now he's gone, all I have left is Henry. I don't know if I'll ever love anyone ever again." I say tearing up.

Killian's POV
I look again into her eyes. Pink. That love spell is still affecting her.
"Well, Love. Bae is gone now and one day you'll find love again. I know it." I say. She didn't say anything back or even look at me. "If you need me love, I'll be aboard my ship. The Jolly Rodger."
"Go." She says still not looking at me.
She wants me to go? Bloody hell. This could have been my chance to tell her something. Something very important.
"Now are you just going to stand there or go?" She asks.
"This isn't you. It's the love spell." I say before leaving.

Emma's POV
After Killian left and then I felt like someone just left me. I looked up and Killian was gone.
What just happened?
Oh no. The love spell. I stood up from the bench. "What the hell..?" I ask.
"That's it, dearie." A creepy voice said behind me. Rumplestiskin. "He's left you back to his ship."
"This love spell..." I began speaking. "Its powerful and only true love can undo it." He cuts me off.
"I love Killian. He can undo it." I say.
"My son. Baelfire. He was your only chance." He says and then disappears into smoke.
What the hell?

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