The Getaway

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Emma's POV
"Leaving? Tonight? But what about the ball? It's your birthday Mom. Don't you want to celebrate it?" Henry asked.
"We'll go to the ball, but then after the dancing we'll say we'll want an early night and then we sneak out of the castle and head towards the docks." I say
"Where would go? How would be sneak out?" Henry asked.
"Somewhere out at sea and we'll climb down the vines from my bedroom and head straight down to the docks." I explained.
"What about Dad and your parents?"
"They'll never know until morning."
"Are you sure you want to leave your princess life?"
"I actually didn't really enjoy being a princess. All the balls and dresses and manners. Do you enjoy being a prince?"
"Things are kind of boring, except the sword fights me and Dad used to do in the garden outside."
"You and I can still do it together. Wherever we are. Would you like that?"
"Yeah! I think so."
"I'm not leaving you behind. It'll be an adventure for us."
"Okay, I'm in."
"Great. You get a bag packed together with some clothes and some things to keep you happy and put it in my room." I say
"I'm on it." My son says and gives me a hug.

" My son says and gives me a hug

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I can't leave my son behind. It would be wrong to give him up.

An hour later, it was time for the ball.
I was wearing a blood red dress, my face felt like I was wearing two layers of makeup and my hair was in a bun with a small jewelled tiara.
My parents went first being presented as the king and queen of the Enchanted Forest, then Bae and Henry went out known as the princes and finally me, known as the birthday princess.
"Presenting Princess Emma."
I walk down the stairs and go to my husband, Bae. I still can't believe I'm married to him, because I don't know how we fell in love.
Bae kissed my hand and it felt disgusting and we started the dance.
As the dance floor was full of more dancers, I set off to the side to rest, but most importantly, to getaway from Bae. I looked around for Henry. Now seemed like a good time to leave.
"Henry." I slightly call and my son comes right up to me, "we shall sneak off now," I whisper in his ear, then Bae approached us.
"What's this?" He asks.
"I've had a wonderful night," I say, with a fake smile, "but Henry and I are going to take an early night. This was wonderful, really. Say good night to my parents for me."
"Alright. Goodnight." Bae says and he kissed my cheek.
That should be my last kiss from him.

Henry and I made to my room where our bags were. First we changed into good wear.

 First we changed into good wear

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Emma and Henry's outfitsBefore we left, I suddenly felt my parents would be coming up any minute now to check on me, so Henry helped me move a cabinet towards the door

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Emma and Henry's outfits
Before we left, I suddenly felt my parents would be coming up any minute now to check on me, so Henry helped me move a cabinet towards the door.
"Okay, Henry. Come on." I say as I take his hand and we head towards my balcony.
I let Henry go first and help climb down by the vines, then I go next and we both meet on the ground.
"That was cool." He said.
"Sorry, Mom." He whispered.
We went to the stables and got my horse, Rocinante. Henry does have his own horse, but we only need one. We hopped on the horse and galloped into the village towards the docks.

Writer's POV
When Emma and Henry made it to the docks, they walked around trying to figure out where to go next.
"What do we do now?" Henry asked.
"We can sneak onto one of those ships." Emma said.
"I'll help, love." Some Irish voice said.
Emma turned her head and looked around, but there was no one there. While Emma looked around, someone put a sack on her son's head and dragged him away, When she turned back, she found Henry was gone.
Where did he go?
Then to Emma, everything went black.

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