The Jolly Roger

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Henry's POV
Someone sneaked up to me and put a sack over my head, I couldn't see a thing, and I must of got dragged away from my mom because I felt someone throw me over their shoulder and then everything went dark.

When I woke up, I found myself on deck of a ship. How did I get here? And where's my mom?
I looked around at the men onboard and they looked like they were pirates. I'm on a pirate ship.
Then a small man with a red beanie approached me.
"Excuse me, but where am I?" I asked.
"Welcome aboard the Jolly Roger, kid." He said.
"Smee!" Someone called, a tall handsome man wearing a black outfit and had a hook for his left hand, from up above by the stirring wheel. "As captain of this ship, it is my job to welcome the guests or instructors on board."
"Sorry, sir." The Smee man said and stepped aside for the captain to approach me.

" The Smee man said and stepped aside for the captain to approach me

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"My name is Henry, Who are you?" I say,
"Killian Jones. But most people prefer to call me by my pirate name. Hook." He said.
"Like Captain Hook?" I ask.
"Yes, so you've heard of me, have you lad?" He says
"Not really, but only that you're the captain of this ship. Now where's my mom? Did you hurt her?" I ask starting to feel worried.
"Don't worry my boy, your mother's fine. She still in her room, asleep." Hook said.
"What happened to her? Can I see her?" I ask.
"She must have been tired, but I am going down there myself to get her for you." He said to me and then turned to the small man. "Smee, give the lad a tour of my ship."
"Aye aye Captain."
Hook left and I was just left with the Smee man.
"What's your name?" I ask.
"William Smee. The captain's first mate. But call me Smee. Everybody does." he answered.
"Henry." I said as I held out my hand and he took it, we shook hands and he gave me the tour.

Emma's POV
I woke up and Henry was nowhere near me. I was lying on a bed and looked around the room and I must be on a ship. I could hear the waves outside splashing against the ship and through the window there was the blue sky lightening up the room. The room was almost as small as a cabin. Now the question is, where am I? How did I get here? And where is my son?

Then I heard footsteps and someone was coming down. The door opened and it was the most handsome man I had ever seen in my life. He seemed more like the man I could have married besides Bae. He had dark hair and blue eyes, he was wearing a black uniform and had a hook for a hand.
"Aye I see you're awake, princess." He said.
"Who are you?" I ask almost terrified
"Killian Jones. But I'm known as Hook. Captain Hook of the Jolly Roger." He said.
I was stunned. I've heard of this ship, the Jolly Roger.
"You're a pirate!" I guessed.
"Aye I am. What's yours princess?" Hook asked.
"Emma." I said
"Snow White and Prince Charming's daughter, Princess Emma?" He asked and I nodded.
"What have you done with my son?" I ask in a strong tone.
"Your boy's fine, love, he's taking a tour of my ship." Hook said.
"With who?"
"With my first mate Mr Smee."
"Alright, as long as he's not hurt." I said.
"He won't be."
I took a moment and looked into his ocean blue eyes and they were good looking. Then a question came to my mind.
"Why did you bring us here?" I ask
"My crew and I saw you and the lad last night, trying to figure which ship to leave on. I figured you needed help and you didn't want to get caught, so I brought you here to the sea." Hook said.
"Thank you, where will you take me?" I asked.
"Depends on where you want to go." Hook says.
"Okay, now may I see my son?" I ask.
"Of course, follow me, love." He says and he leads me out of the room.
Love? No one ever called me that before, not even Baelfire.

We went up above deck and I felt relieved seeing Henry with the man in a red beanie, I guessed that was Smee.
"Mom" and he hugged me.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." He said as he pulled away from the hug, "Mom, this is Mr Smee. Mr Smee this is my mom."
"You're Emma, right? The princess?" Smee asked.
"I am." I said.
"William Smee." He said as he took off his beanie and bowed down to me.
"There's no need to do that." I say.
"This ship is so cool, I like it." Henry said.
"That's nice Henry." I pull him close to me, "Now we just need to make a plan of what's next."
"Join my crew, love." Hook said behind me.
"Join my crew. Your boy likes it. Come with us and we'll take you wherever you want."
I was silent. A pirate asking a princess and her son to join his crew?
"Can we Mom? You said you didn't enjoy your princess life." My son said.
I was still silent and Hook was still looking at me.

"If you don't, then I'll return you to the castle and you can continue being a princess and have a boring life

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"If you don't, then I'll return you to the castle and you can continue being a princess and have a boring life." Hook said.
I did want to get away from my princess life, so I said, "Okay. Yes, we will."
"Great." Hook said.
"But only until I find a place for us to be."
"As you wish, love."
"I've always wanted to sail a ship, can you teach me, Hook?" Henry asked the pirate.
"I'd be happy to, Lad. What do you say, Emma?" Hook says.
"Please, Mom." Henry begged.
Henry does want to get away from his father.
"Yes. Yes, you can." I said.
"Yes!" Henry said cheerfully.
"Thank you, Hook, just-"
"Please." He cut me off, "Call me Killian."
"Okay, Killian. Thanks Mom." Henry said.
"Now come with me on board and I'll show you how to steer." Killian said and he took my son higher deck to the wheel.

Killian. I like the sound of that.

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