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Emma's POV
I could not believe Killian's story. Thats why I never meet Milah and he's why she was never around.
"That's how you lost your hand?" Henry asked him.
"Yeah. I don't know what he did with my hand but after he disappeared this hook appeared." Killian said showing his hook to my son.
I knew it felt wrong marrying Baelfire, but still don't know how I fell in love with him.
How did I fall in love with someone I didn't even love?
"What else do you know about my dad? What did you guys do together?" Henry asked again.
"Well..." Killian began but I cut in.
"Henry, I think that's enough questions for one day." I said, "I would like to speak with him."
"Okay." Henry said.
"Go down below and help yourself to something good to eat." Killian said to him.
"Thanks." Henry replied and he went down below deck.
I wanted to speak to Killian about Bae.

Killian's POV
When the lad left, I got curious about what his mother wanted to speak to me about, but I do have a feeling this has something to do with Baelfire.
"What is it, Swan?" I ask
I didn't realize I just called her that. So I quickly came up with an answer to her question.
"Your dress is the colour of a white swan and it matches you. You're like the colour of a swan."
"Well, thank you." She said.

Emma's POV
I like the nickname, Swan!
Emma, focus!
"What did you want to speak to me about?" Killian asked.
"I don't know how I fell in love with Baelfire." I said. Killian looked like he had a confused and surprised look on his face, but I continued.
"We were close friends as we grew up. But when we first meet, I was told right away that he was going to marry me and be my king." I explained.
"Did the Dark One tell you?" He asked.
How did he know it was the Dark One? He must have guessed and I nodded.
"Did you believe it?"
"No." I answered shaking my head side to side.
"Does Henry know about this?" Killian asked.
"Only who is father is. I can't tell him something I don't know." I say.
"Will you tell him? Because I think you should." Killian says.
"Once I get figure out how we fell in love, I'll tell him." I said.
We had an awkward silent moment.
It seemed nice we told each other about our former lovers.
"Would you and your boy join my crew to get away from your bloody husband?" Killian asked.
I looked up at him in the eyes.
"Didn't you already ask me that?" I ask.
"I may have, but would you?" He asks.
"I think so, yes." I answer.
We stared at each other for a long while then our faces got close to each other and almost touched.

But then we heard the yell of my son from below deck.

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