Save Henry

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Killian's POV
Bloody hell.
Pan wants Henry's heart to keep him and the lost boys and Wendy younger. That's what he almost did to me and my mates by threatening us with the shadows to kill us.
Emma, "Thank you..."
"Wendy. Thank you." Emma said to the girl, turned around and walked away.
I followed her out leaving Baelfire with Wendy, as I followed her she took out the map again.
"The 'X' seemed to have faded and now it showing on a big rock shaped like a skull on the map." She said.
"That would be Skull Rock." I say.
"Then we'd better go. I can't let my son die." Emma says with worry.

Henry's POV When I woke up, I found I wasn't in the jungle in Neverland anymore, it looked like some sort of cave

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Henry's POV
When I woke up, I found I wasn't in the jungle in Neverland anymore, it looked like some sort of cave.
"Where am I now?" I asked.
"We're at Skull Rock." I turned around and I was with Pan.
"Where is everyone?" I ask.
"Waiting for your parents outside the rock." Pan said, "Their challenge is to get to you before I take your heart out."

Baelfire's POV
After Hook and Emma went out and left me with Wendy, I was so stunned to see her that I didn't feel like that I should be saving my son.
"Wendy you didn't answer my question, why were you out in this cage?" I asked.
Wendy was silent, which probably meant her 'dear Peter' told her not to tell us, but I wasn't going to leave until I heard the answer.
"I cant tell you." She said, "but I can tell you is, if you kill Peter, then you'll have to kill me."
I could not believe that.
"What? Why?" I asked.
"Because I love him. He's my husband." Wendy says.
"I thought you loved me." I said.
"I did. But I love Pan more." Wendy said.
"And you chose him over me because I'm the Dark One's son?!" I ask.
"What?" Wendy asked with open eyes.
Uhh, did she not know that?

Emma's POV
Hook and I followed the map to Skull Rock and when we arrived near the seashore there was row boat down by the water.
"Was this a trick or does Pan know we are coming?" I ask.
"He knows we're coming." Hook said.
I look at Hook and then I realized Bae wasn't with us. "Where's Bae?" I ask looking around.
"Probably back talking with his old friend." Hook said.
"We need to go back and get him." I say.
"It's too late now." A voice said.
"Who the hell said that?" I called.
"A lost boy." Hook said.
"Just get in the boat and go to Skull Rock." The voice said again.
Great! Now Bae prefers to be with his old friend then saving his son with his wife.

Baelfire's POV
"You're the son of the Dark One and you never told me?!" Wendy said.
"I love you, Wendy." I said, "you chose the wrong one."
"I chose the right one. You're married and you're with Emma." Wendy said.
I grabbed Wendy by the arm and stormed out of the bushes, but when we came out, Hook and Emma were gone.
"She's left me again!" I say.
"No she didn't, you let her go." Wendy said.
I ignored her, I looked down and saw their footprints in the dirt and I followed them dragging Wendy behind me.

Emma's POV
Hook and I hopped in the boat and a surprise to me, it drifted towards Skull Rock on its own. It must be magic, is my guess.
Why isn't my husband here to save our son?

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