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Henry's POV
I was hungry when Killian let me head below deck to get a snack. When I went below, I had to look through what was good because there were just dishes, fish and barrels of rum. My mom would kill me if she found me drinking that stuff or I wouldn't feel good.
I found fruit in a cupboard and I munched on an apple.
I was curious what Mom was going to talk to the captain about.
But I'll have to admit, I like him. He's better than my dad. He's more of the dad I could ask for. If Killian taught my dad how to sail, how come he never took me and Mom out at sea to try? Maybe because my grandparents told us to stay put because of danger or something.

When I was down to the core of the apple, I decided to head back on deck.
"Hello, Henry!" A creepy voice said.
I turned around and I was face to face with a boy who must have been a teenager. He was creepy and reminded me of my grandfather, the Dark One.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Peter Pan. You're coming with me!" He said
"What? Where?" I cried.
"To Neverland!"
Uh oh, I've read about that place in the castle library.
"NO!!" I screamed. But before I could escape up above deck and Peter grabbed me.
Then green smoke surround us and we ended up on deck.

Emma's POV
Killian and I heard the sound of my son screaming, I wanted to race down below to see what was wrong? Was he hurt?
But before I could, "Ahoy, pirates!" A young boy with blonde hair in a green outfit was holding my son tight around his arms with a knife against Henry's throat. The crew caught his attention, including me and Hook.
Killian, "Pan!"
"Let my son go!" I cried.
"I will, but only if you come for him and your love." The Pan kid said.
"What? My love? You mean..." Did he mean my husband?
"Yes, Baelfire. He, himself, has been looking for you two and Bae wants you and his son back." I didn't know what to say, I was too shocked. My parents know we're gone already?
Then the Pan kid turned to Killian
"You will come to Neverland bring the princess without your crew."
"Without his crew? Are you mad?" Smee asked.
"If you bring them, they'll die."

Killian's POV
Bloody Hell
I can't risk my crew's life. I also can't go back to Neverland. Not after the first and last time I was there.
My dear brother, Liam was killed from the Dreamshade.
"I'll bring the princess." I said to Pan.
"What?" Emma said.
Pan then pointed at both of us,
"Good. You two will come to Neverland and come and get the prince as your challenge." Pan said and then he disappeared into smoke with the lad.

Emma's POV
My son was taken away from me. What did Pan want from him? But is Bae really looking for me and Henry? Does he really want us back?
I turned my face to Killian who was already looking at me.
"What do we do now?" I asked
"What do you mean?" He asks back
"You need to get me to Neverland to save your son, we can't just sit here." I say.

Killian's POV
I could see the panic in Emma's eyes.
I lost my brother, I won't let a mother like her lose her son. I turned to my crew who were all looking up at me as their captain.
"I'm sorry, mates, but I can't risk your lives to Neverland. I'm going back, and I'm taking the princess with me." I say.
"Captain, it was only a year ago, we were able to escape Pan, now you have to go back there to save the young prince!?" Smee said.
Of course, Emma didn't know about that story. She gave me a confused look.
"I'll explain later, love." I whisper to her and she nodded.
"Crew, I say you spend the night at our local Tavern and give me about a week to go back to Neverland and save the prince. If I don't return in a week, Smee, you're in charge and I'll be back as soon as possible, with her royal highness, Princess Emma." I announced.
"We wish you luck, sir." Smee said as he lead the crew off board. As the men left, they said.
"Good luck, captain."
"Be careful, sir."
"I wish you luck, sir."
Of course the good lucks were all about me and not a single to Emma.

Emma's POV
When the crew left, I just stared at Hook. Was he really doing this for me to save my son?

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