Chapter Six - A Boy Called Alec

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"Elladine..." Sam said as she shook her head snapping out of her day dream.

"you don't have to tell me if u don't want too..." Sam stared at her hopeful as she shook her head.

"no it's not that..." she says unsure of herself

"Ella u can be comfortable telling me anything and I promise I'll never laugh at you or judge you if you have done something..."

"it's not that Sam it's abit unbelievable, crazy in fact..." she mumbled

"I'll always believe you..." he says as she ran her hands threw her hair out of frustration and sighed loudly.

"I grew up in Canada with my mom and dad, my dad was a free spirit running threw the woods laughing smiling, you remind me of him in a way. You have his chin and smile father was a hunter he liked to say...." tears slowly began to form in her eyes.

"When I was sixteen we moved because dad said his hunting was finnsihed and we needed to move to a bigger city where there where more animals to hunt, so we moved to Seattle..." she says slowly wiping a tear from her face.

"them dying was all my fault u know..." she mumbled as Sam placed his hand on her shoulder "no it wasn't your fault..." he tried to make her feel better but it wasn't working.

"but it was, this is the part where I said you would not understand, it all started when I met a boy called Alec, one day I was walking threw the forest, father always Warned me about the forest but I never listened, and I saw him, his face was pale and his eyes blood red, it was almost as if time had stopped, we met every day after that in that same spot, he would even sneak into my room from time to time... " she says sniffing and breathing heavily.

"Its okay shh.." Sam began to coo her , Sam couldn't help but think Ella had been threw a lot and That his father had been killed by a bloodsucker like the Cullen's, those bloodsuckers wakened the wolf inside of him, they made him hurt Emily. But Sam felt a sigh of relief go over him. If she was a shapeshifter like them Joshua would of told her a long time ago. She should of shifted being with Alec but she didn't.

He couldn't help but wonder why jsohua kept what he was hunting from her, why he was hunting them.

"Ella.." He said pulling away from her as she looks up at him.

"did you know what he was Alec..."

she nodded her head and bit her lip "Not at first, but then he showed me and told me he was a vampire..i know its crazy I understand if you don't believe me " she says shaking her head

" I believe you ..." Sam says smiling at her "its getting late we should probably be getting back home Emily's probably worried sick" Sam says as Ella feels felt her feet leaving the ground as she saw Sam picking her up

''Sleep...." He said as Elladine suddenly relasied how tried she acuralt was clsing her eyes and before she knew it she had sidred off into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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