Chapter Three - The Forest

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Elladine walked down the stairs, Sam looked at her shaking his head she was wearing a light blue faded short jean with an oversized hoddie. her hair was down and pushed to one side "No I'm not going to get cold now lets go." she says as her and Sam walk towards the door Emily stops them. Placing a kiss on Sam's Check. "you can see you two are family." Emily says as he kisses er on her Forehead "see you soon.." he mumbles as they open the door and begin to walk into the forest.

they walked in Silence for a few minutes looking under every tree and in every direction for the missing Girl, just then Sierra felt the need to ask Sam. "Sam, why did the girl runaway..."

"her boyfriend left her, Him and his family left town i guess it broke her, she went out and hasn't come home Her fathers names Charlie, he runs the local Sheriffs department and hes throwing a search party for her." Sam says running his hands threw his hair as he slowly got agitated. "is there a certain reason her boyfriend Left her.." she asks as Sam shrugs his shoulders. "some say his father got a new job, but we know the real reason. " he says continuing to walk further into the bushes. she was jut about to ask him what that reason was when she she saw a small figure lying in the distance. "Sam over there!" she shouts pointing as Sam dashes for the body.

his Shadow made a hudge black shape as as he neared the body, she watched as his eyes reflected against the moon for a second somehow turning them a golden color making them inhuman. the girl looked terrifeid and began to drag herself between the trees she must of hit her head because after that she was out.

"Ella ,Run to Charlies House you'll find it easily tell them we found her." Sam says as Ella nods turning around and dashing threw the forest. she began to wonder why someone would run away like that and what she had seen in Sam's eyes she had seen the same thing in her fathers eyes not to long before the accident. Soon the flashing red and blue lights of Police cursers can be seen, peering threw an opening in the woods. Half the town is gathered - a recuse party scattered all over with people looking for her. she saw the sheriff and idenfited him as Charlie. the man was filled with worry as he looked over a map with a man in a wheelchair, he has dark hair and a stout protruding belly and a king looking face, she slowly begins to listen in on their convosation.

"I'll call the Cullen's again her note said that her and Edward where going for a walk."
Charlie says worried as he reaches for his phone "they left town Charlie.." the one in the wheelchair says holding his arm "Doctor Cullen got a big job somewhere else. " he says as one of them puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "we will find her Charlie.." he says as Ella walked closer towards them "hello little lady how can we help you.." the man in the wheelchair says as the three men look up at her. "Charlie.. "she questioned causing him to look up and then she turned around pointing in the direction of the woods. just that second Sam emerges from the woods with a fierce expression on his face. Hes Carrying Bella.

"its Sam Uley, hes found her." the man in the wheelchair shouts louder than he intended too as Charlie bolts towards them, he wrapped his arms around Bella lifting her from Sam's arms. "thank you Sam, thank god." Charlie says as Sam nods as Charlie carries Bella into the house cradling her Ella watches the the man in the Wheelchair and an older man give sam. a nod of praise and gratitude but Sam backs away, avoiding any agnolegmant almost as if he had too much pride to admit he was a hero.

a boy with dark skin and long back hair began jogging alongside Charlie peering at Bella with worry. then stopped as if he where feeling eyes peer into his back. he turned to see Sam looking right at him as he quickly looks away. Making his way towards her Ella was standing. shortly after so does Sam. "this is Elladine, my half sister..." he says to them as they nod and smile "Ella, i prefer to be called Ella..." she mumbles to herself

"hello Ella, my names Billy black and this is my son.." he says nudging him in the ribs as he smiled then extended his hand "Jacob Black" he says as she shakes is hand "Ella Uley" she says as Billy smiles "ah so you're Joshua's daughter we always wondered where the Lone wolf traveled too, so where's the old man when is he coming to visit i must make him some of my famous fish-" Billy starts saying just as Ella cuts him off "hes dead...." she says slowly as Billy's smile faded very quickly "well done dad.." Jacob says as Billy hushed him "its okay Mr. Black you didn't know..." she says firmly as Billy nods "how did he pass?"

"it was an accident it all happened so fast i don't really remember..." She lied "i don't really like talking about it..."

"alright then, thanks again Sam we owe you one. nice meeting you Ella..." Billy says as he rolls off in his wheelchair and Sam follows behind him. they walked away from Ella and Jacob ,so that nobody could hear them. "how's Jacob has he shown any signs yet" Sam asks as Billy shakes his head and sighs "no temper no nothing, anyone new join the pack recently.." Billy asks as Sam nods "just Jarred , i heard Jacob's not my biggest fan right now " Sam says as Billy laughs "he Thins your some hunk hulk on steroids whos stealing all his friends. ,Jarred was one of his friends you know.." Billy says quietly Sam feels sympathy for Jacob but then remembers why he told them to distance from Jacob. "i know Billy but if the where to loose their tempers in front of Jacob without his shifting it could be the end of him.."

"i understand but any new members join the pack, I'm talking about her " Billy says as he looks begin same at Joshua's daughter nobody knew anything about. "Elladine,no she hasn't shown any signs or mentioned anything about knowing anything about the pack, i think she might be ordinary..."

"she's got the Uley Jean Sam,i think she knows more than what she's telling , did u see the way her face changed when she spoke about Joshua dying she looked like she had seen a ghost, " Billy says softly moving his wheelchair closer towards Ella and Jacob. "ask her about it sam., or else it will eat at you too..." Billy says finally as they reached the two children.

"and what are we talking about so nicely here..." Billy asks as Jacob smiles "Ella was telling me about her first bike" Jacob said as Sam watched his eyes light up and that scared Sam he hoped nobody would imprint on her, especially because she was only going to be here for a few months and he didn't want any attachments to her when the time came for her to leave. he wanted nothing to do with his father and he surely wasn't going to babysit his fathers other child for the rest of his life.

"Elladine, its time to go home Emily's waiting "Sam says as she nods as the two of them walk back into the forest from where the came disappearing just as quickly as they appeared.

The Other Uley ( A Seth Clearwater Love story.)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin