Chapter Two - The Missing Girl

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Ella woke up the next Morning to the Sound of Birds Chirping right outside her window she opened her eyes and looked around the room there was now a picture of her and her parents on the nightstand, most of her things where packed in the cupboard and right above her bed a big purple dream catcher hung from the celling her Father always said that it would protect her and his Ancestors used them for protection in a way it made her feel closer to him . she could still hear his soft sweet voice "it keeps away bad dreams, as long as you keep this close nothing can get to you..." he says making her smile, she missed them.

she slowly stretches' before making her way over to the bathroom, and turning on the shower she undressed and placed her clothing in the laundry basket as she then stood under the hot water running her hands threw her hair washing it with her Strawberry scented shampoo and her apple scented body wash, she quickly steps out of the shower and brushes her teeth before walking back into her room. getting changed into black shorts and a grey tank top as she ties her hair into a messy bun she begins to think about what life would be like here, she began to take her books out from underneath her bed and start drawing , moments later placing her Airpods in her ears. time always went by too quickly when she looked again it was dark outside and suddenly she hears loud voices coming from outside she slowly creeps towards her window to look.

Outside there was two guys standing behind Sam they all seemed to be in deep convosation ,as they made their way towards the house they where all shouting among themselves each trying to over shout the next. "Elladine.." she heard Sam call her name from downstairs "I'm coming.." she shouts back running down the stairs. and walking slowly towards the kitchen "hey boys wait for Ella before you start eating.." Emily says in a firm voice 

"I'm sure she wont mind, but i know my stomach definitely will.." he says just as Ella walks into the room and it fell slient. "Guys this is my half sister Elladine" Sam says pulling Emily close towards him and he seemed to be studying the boys Very carefully watching their facial expressions almost as if he where trying to pick up on something.

one of them stood up introducing themselves "Hello I'm Paul.." he says taking her hand and placing a small kiss on the top of her palm "I'm Elladine but i preferred to be called Ella..." she says taking her hand away from him. "Ella it is ,I'm Jarred..." another one says with his mouth already stuffed with bread. "well aren't you just charming..." Emily joked as we all took a seat at the table and began to fill out plates. for almost a half and hour all you could hear was the clattering of cutlery against the plates before finally someone began to speak.

"so Elladine tell us about yourself.." she looked up to see it was Jared wh had asked the question ,"well i love art, reading, running and the beach im obsessed with the sound of the waves cashing against the shore." she says taking a sip of orange juice as the boys talk among themselves

"up for an outing ?" they asked as she raised an eyebrow, "to where.." she asks as they chuckle quietly and remained quiet for a moment before answering her. "to la push beach.." Jarred says smiling at her as she shakes her head "maybe another time.." she says as she watches the Smile on Jared's Face Drop and Paul almost instantly  bursts out laughing. "Little Jared's got no game "Paul teases him, nudging him on his shoulder as Ella narrows her eyes towards him "you know its not about the game, its about how you play, i said another time i didn't say no..." she says smiling "but if it was you on the other hand, you would of been lucky if you got a next time.. "she says watching Paul roll his eyes, as she smiled at Jarred, he seems to have noticed what she did and mouths a thank you as Sam chuckled quietly to himself.

"i like this one, her a Leah will get along nicely don't you think so Sam.." Paul says looking at Sam almost as if he where challenging him. "watch it.." he says when suddenly the phone starts to ring and Sam gets up excusing himself from the table.

"don't ever let the boys walk over you.." Emily says smiling placing a hand on Ella's shoulder as she smiles at her, gathering up everyone's plates and taking them to the was basin. Ella turns her head and starts listening in on Sam's Convosation 

'wait slow down Billy who'

"you want me to do what"

"let me get this straight that bloo-" Sam began to say but then looked up and saw all eyes where on him and he changed his words.

"that leach left her and she ran away"

"Billy that's not our problem"

"okay for Charlie 


He says as he slammed the phone down and then walks back towards the table "go and put warm clothes on your coming with us..."Sam says to Ella as Paul and Jarred stand up. "alph-Sam...what's going on.." Jared asks slowly as he can see the concern on Sam's face rising with the minute.

"Bella Swan is missing , Charlie has half the department looking for her and we are all going to help."

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