Of the Last Gentlemen

68 11 5

Consider me a Gentleman;

One of those "nice guys."

I treat everyone with the same love and respect,

I am kind, considerate, comforting and I help build confidence.

So I should be happy when people compliment me right?

Thank them when they tell I am not like other guys,

And that more should be like me?

You would think that makes me smile,

But it doesn't...

I can't help but wince at the words.

It pains me to think that I am part of a dying breed.

I am not some animal on the verge of extinction...

Am I?

Is it wrong to think this is what a Man should be?

When I look around,

I see that I am surrounded by "bad boys" as far as the eye can see.

Is that a Man?

To me,

It seems that women think a Gentleman is nice to have

But no one really wants one.

Does that make me a luxury?

My hard work unnecessary?

I know they appreciate the kind gestures I make,

But my obligations are mere comfort food,

No one truly considers my feelings and well-being,

Not even a simple after thought.

I feel like there are too few like me;

Not many of "our" kind left...

Maybe it's because some got left behind.

The phrase "nice guys finish last" couldn't be truer.

Because even when I reach the top first,

I can never cross that line.

I always look back,

And see everyone so far behind;

Struggling to get by.

So I gladly give up my spot so I can help the others.

But it's only after the last as passed

That I realize that I have been forgotten;

The rest have gone on ahead.

But the thing is,

I don't care.

It was never a competition for me.

I want everyone to get the chance to succeed.

Even if they have been knocked down,

I will simply build them back up.

I give others strong foundations they need.

Offer myself to be the base of their pyramid,

So they can get the chance to reach the clouds.

Because it seems to me like I am the only one who will.

No one will say the same,

And I can't blame them.

Being one of a kind means being alone,

And I'm fine with that.

I don't know if I am the last,

Though I hope not,

But if I am,

That's okay.

Because that gives me all the more reason I need,

To change the world as a Gentleman should.

So if no one believes I exist,

Then the bigger impact I will make,

And the greater difference I can be.

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