These Aches and Pains

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I have these,

Aches and Pains.

It can only be described as this...

But I bare it.

There is this burden that rests on my shoulders,

I feel like Atlas;

He who carries the weight of the world on his back.

I can barely breath.

But I bare it.

This pressure I feel on my chest is-almost-too great.

I feel my heart bang on my cage of bone,

Cold sweat drizzles down my skin,

And tears well under my eyes.

But I bare it.

Everywhere hurts.

Pain surges through my body,

And I have these headaches;

Like my head is being split in two.

But I bare it.

I know you are hurting.

When u hurt,

I do too.

I feel like a corpse,

I'm on the verge of death.

But I have never felt more alive.

So I bare it.

This weight on my shoulders,

Shows I am strong enough to hold you above water.

This pressure against me,

Is from hugging you too tightly.

So I bare it.

I am scared I'm going to lose your love.

That is why my heart races,

Why tears threaten to fall,

And sweat dampens my body.

This love is not as lovers feel,

But of friendship.

Because you are irreplaceable; unique.

So I bare it.

The migraines I have,

Are from putting our heads together,

To pound against walls and barriers,

Until they come crumbling down.

So I bare it.

The pain I feel,

Comes from the pain you have.

Because I want to ease your burden.

So I bare it.

Many might call this a curse.

Others an unnecessary evil.

But as your friend,

I see it as my responsibility.

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