Chapter 10: Unless You Make it So

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AN: This is a big, fat, important chapter so pay attention. You can pretty much figure out the main antagonist in the story after this, Sakura finds out the truth about the Uchiha massacre, and everyone's getting a little too touchy-feely for things to stay platonic.

I can't believe I hashed this baby out in only a few hours (blame coffee).

I hope you like it as it may be a little while before I'm able to update again. The next thing I put out will be a chapter for Blue Jays (I try to put one chapter out for Blue Jays for every two-three chapters I do here). And always, please tell me what you think :)

Nothing but the Truth

"There is darkness inside all of us, though mine is more dangerous than most. Still, we all have it—that part of our soul that is irreparably damaged by the very trials and tribulations of life. We are what we are because of it, or perhaps in spite of it. Some use it as a shield to hide behind, others as an excuse to do unconscionable things. But, truly, the darkness is simply a piece of the whole, neither good nor evil unless you make it so."

Jenna Maclaine, Bound By Sin

It was dark, very, very dark in the cold, black void where Sasuke stood in his own consciousness. His breath hitched as he felt the familiar presence of somebody behind him, slowly breaching the distance. Sasuke wasn't wearing the gray jumpsuit the guards had given him at the Konoha prison, but he was in his Sound attire – white shirt, purple belt, and a heavy sword attached to his hip. Confusion surrounded him completely, and there was the slightest inkling of fear rising from his stomach to his chest.

'Sasuke-kun,' the venomous voice hissed as the person got closer.

'Go away,' Sasuke replied vehemently, 'I killed you.'

'Body, yes, but soul, no,' the voice whispered into his ear lightly. Sasuke's chest heaved as he felt he was being constricted; looking down, he saw that a large snake was making its way tightly around his abdomen. 'Now that you're in Konoha, you will do as I planned. You're precious Sakura-chan is more predictable than she thinks.'

'She's not precious,' Sasuke replied evenly. 'Not to me, anyway.'

'You may continue to tell yourself that,' Orochimaru responded breathily, 'You may continue to fight it, but I'm inside your mind and it will only be a matter of time before I take your body. Your precious kunoichi should have killed you when she had the chance.'

The manacle laughter rang throughout his entire head. 'Sasuke it's time we moved onto the next phase of the plan, and you will do it or I'll kill your stupid little friends that you've come to love.'

'I don't love anyone, you fool,' Sasuke replied tersely as the large constrictor continued to tighten around his chest, making his way up to his neck.

More laughter ensued from right behind Sasuke, blaring into his ear. 'Denial is unbecoming. I have to ask – what is the obsession with the kunoichi's power? Everyone seems to act as if she is the most powerful shinobi in the world. She has hardly passed Tsunade in terms of skills, as you have done with me. So I must ask, Sasuke-kun, why couldn't you kill her? Why, when I was screaming in your ear to do so, you slowed your run so she could incapacitate you? She seems to have thought that you were trying to kill her, the foolish and weak girl she is.'

'Leave her out of this. She has nothing to do with this.' The snake was now squeezing Sasuke's head so tight that he was sure his brain was about to burst.

'Oh Sasuke-kun, that is where you're wrong,' Orochimaru replied, still standing behind him, 'and her stupidity will make killing her all the easier.'

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