The boys had halted their playing, Naruto explaining to the people at the back that might have missed something that they needed to prioritise Kiba and doing a short conclusion to the crowd,he had fallen on the second-to-last song of their set after all, it wasn't like they were missing anything much. Shikamaru was already lowering himself from the stage to help his girlfriend organise what the best plan of action was to get the two injured men to a place where they could wait for an ambulance safely.

Kiba, meanwhile, checked his guitar, she had miraculously survived the fall and he felt ready to cry tears of joy before realising he should probably thank the man sat only a foot in front of him.

"Thanks, um, Kankuro?" the other nodded, trying to smile through gritted teeth. Kiba only took one look at his saviour's shoulder but that was all that was necessary to understand there was absolutely no way he hadn't dislocated it in a way or another.

"It's pretty bad, I know," the other chuckled yet again before stopping himself to let out a small, "ouch"

"Yeah, I'm really sorry, you didn't have to do it you know?" the shorter one started before laughing, "also I'm not entirely sure the pick up line was necessary,"

Kankuro started laughing along, the slightest hint of a blush riding up his cheeks, "yeah, I'm sorry about that, it came out on it's own."

"Kinda like me to my mum," Kiba laughed, remembering the day he had accidentally come out to his mum. He remembered it as though it had happened yesterday.

"Like what?" the dark eyed man in front of Kiba wheezed out. 

"Well basically, when I entered high school, my mum told me not to impregnate anyone and so I told her I didn't know men had wombs," the shorter one explained.

A flash of uncomfortableness grazed Kankuro's features before his laugh came back and asked, "what'd she respond?"

"She told my dumb ass off for forgetting that trans men existed."

"Dude, your mum sounds amazing," the other's eyes seemed to brighten up a bit, "my mum died when I was like 1 and my dad refused to accept the fact that none of his kids were straight and that his middle child was more of a he than a she"

The bitterness in the man's voice was undeniable when he started speaking about his father, however, not being the most observant, Kiba skimmed over the massive hint and asked, "what's your dad doing now?"

"Probably rolling around in his grave at the prospect that it wasn't just a phase," Kankuro laughed at the thought of his father learning he had not only gotten surgery, but had gotten it to remove one of the part of himself he hated the most.

"What was?" Kiba asked, still not understanding the hints Kankuro had let out.

Neji, who had been walking up to Kiba and had heard the last parts of their conversation bonked his head, "The fact he's trans Kiba, god you need to start using that head of yours some day."

"Oh... OH!" Kankuro was surprised to see Kiba look like an excited puppy at the relevation, "that's sick my dude, I'm glad your dad isn't there to stop you from expressing yourself."

Kankuro laughed, hissing as he accidentally moved his shoulder in the process, "believe me, I am too."

Temari and Shikamaru had now organised a path that would lead them straight to the ambulance when it would arrive and were walking back towards them, "the ambulance should arrive in 15 minutes." Shikamaru started.

"What are you guys talking about?" Temari finished.

"How shit dad was, remember that time he caught you and that one girl kissing? It was hilarious."

"Oh god, don't get me started." She laughed, she had been told off so hard that day but his expression when he realised his daughter wasn't exactly straight was worth every second of it, "remember the face he pulled at Christmas when you were 14 and Gaara and I had gotten you a binder."

"Oh my god, and when he learned that Gaara had used his card to pay for the cancellation of the wedding he had planned for him," they were now laughing like hyenas at the thought of pissing off their dad.

"Yeah, didn't he send the girl 20 grands and a note saying "Sorry. Not intrested." and then maxed out the money cancelling all of the reservations?"

"Yes I did, I don't see a problem with it," an oddly soothing voice called out from behind all of them.

"Nah we don't either, we're just laughing at how much of a cunt dad was," Temari explained, wiping a tear.

"Oh, yeah. He was of the most unpleasant company," the youngest one nodded in agreement, "I still don't know how he thought that marrying me at 16 to a woman I had never met before was a good idea."

"Family line things probably," Kankuro shrugged before realising how dumb it was to shrug with a potentially dislocated shoulder.

"Yeah, at least I'm happy the old geezer was loaded," Temari agreed before looking at the others and explaining, "you guys don't realise how satisfying it is to use a dead transphobe's money to pay for his son's top surgery.

"That sounds like a power move and a half," Kiba nodded. 

It was then that the ambulance arrived, putting an end to their conversation. Kankuro was ushered into it, the paramedics trying to immobilise his shoulder and when they realised Kiba struggled walking, they took him in as well to do more thorough check ups. As it turns out, all of Kiba's injuries were superficial, as to Kankuro's case, his shoulder had been dislocated, but he had skimmed tragedy and was assured he'd still be able to play after 5 to 6 months. Needless be said, both men stayed in touch after such events, neither of them expecting to have made such a friend after an event of the sort.

A/N: Just don't mind me and my trans Kankuro headcanon. Anyway, this was probably my favourite to write, it just came naturally, despite being quite different to my initial thought and the ending being slightly abrupt. It was originally going to be slightly more angsty but as I was writing the story started writing itself and I'm quite pleased with it. Hope you enjoyed and see you tomorrow.

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