Chapter 35: Skip or Dare

Start from the beginning

Write your name on top. Answer each item as quick, as fast and as brief as you can. Do not linger too much on one item. And never ever skip any item, unless you wanted to be dared.

Favorite Subject:     ____________________________          

Favorite Teacher:    ____________________________          

Favorite Classmate:____________________________

Favorite Year/Level: ___________________________

Happiest/ Proudest Moment (don’t include graduation just yet):_____________________________________ ____________________________________________

Activities he or she’d miss the most


Classmates/schoolmates he or she admires (e.g. idols, crushes)


Person/s he or she’d miss the most (give specific name/s)


Words of Farewell (maximum of two sentences)



For a moment, Nick couldn’t write anything but just stared at the questionnaire. It was thirty seconds before she finally scribbled something on her paper.

“That was impossible,” Eddie Boy spat angrily after the time was up. John Michael was already collecting the papers from the other half of the circle. Danica helped him and collected the papers from the other half. Then, the two exchanged and distributed the papers.

Nicky got Robert’s paper. The last item he failed to answer. She sighed as she thought of what dare she’d let Robert do. She’d just maybe let him dance in the center.

And so the reading began. 

It started awkward, first. There were some spills of laughter and teasing, as each classmate would read the paper of the other classmate. The class cracked up especially at the seventh and eight statements. Nicky noted Lois got a lot of mention from the boys, and so were Danica and Camille. Red had been mentioned several times, too. Nicky hadn’t heard her name mentioned yet, except when finally someone read her paper.

Her heart skipped a beat. She held her breath, as when she looked up, it was Iggy who had her paper. Iggy stared back at her. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks. She immediately averted her eyes from him.

“Favorite subject: English.” Iggy recited her answer. “Favorite teacher: Mr. Manginsay. Favorite classmate: June. Favorite Year/Level: Freshmen year. Happiest or proudest moment: getting third place in the Regional Press Conference. Activities she’d miss the most: Foundation day celebration. Classmates/schoolmates she admires,” Iggy stopped and coughed, clearing his throat. “June, Lois, Red,” he went on.

Iggy was interrupted by a collective gasp as the rest of the classmates turned to Nicky and howled their teasing. Nicky cocked her head to the side, trying to ignore the rest of the class. It was then that he caught Red’s eyes. He was looking at her, intently, like he was sizing her up. It made her felt uncomfortable so she immediately bent her head down.

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