I'm a what?

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Okay, so let me explain. Perseus Achilles Jackson was my best friend, and had been ever since i was two. We did everything together for years. We liked the same things, went to the same school, he was everything to me. Not in that sort of way. He was like a brother. Then, when he turned twelve, he moved away, without telling anyone why, and giving no warning and i hadn't seen him since. 

So you could imagine my surprise when he crashed through my window, holding - was that a ballpoint pen?

"Jessica? Is that you?" He said in that same, playful voice he'd had when we were young.

I nodded.

"Um.... Hey?" He said slowly.

I stood there, shocked until i came to my senses. Anger bubbled up inside me.

"Perseus Jackson where the HELL have you been! You come crashing through my window, with absolutely no warning, after TWO YEARS and you say HEY?" I screamed. "I thought I'd lost you forever when you just vanished, telling no one where you went! You left me alone, Percy! How am i supposed to forgive you for that? How? Tell me! Where. Have. You. Been?" There were angry tears in my eyes. How DARE he leave me alone with NO-ONE to talk to. I had no friends after he left. He took everything with him when he dissapeared. EVERYTHING! The nerve to just show up here! 

I felt the same anger i had with Kampê bubbling within me, but i quelled it, i couldnt let anything happen again. The truth was i didnt want my only friend thinking i was a freak. Percy looked shocked at my outburst, and stepped back nervously. I advanced, glaring daggers at Percy, and he backed away until he hit the wall.

"Jess, um... are you okay. What's happened?" Percy asked carefully. 

I stopped, and suddenly realised how much pain and sadness I was feeling at that moment, and broke down completely. I collapsed onto the floor, weeping and crying as Percy knelt down beside me and put his arm around my shoulders. I was surprised. After all this time, he still cared for me. All i could manage to say was, "my mother- Kampê - she-"

He looked surprised at the mention of Kampê but didn't question it, like it was normal to have a snake woman from Greek mythology come to your house and try to kill you. Then he nodded like he understood and I buried my head in his shoulder and stayed like that until the tears stopped. I slowly stood up and looked into Percy's sea-green eyes, and i said, "what are we going to do now?

he seemed to consider something, then said, "i know a place for people like us, Jessi, but first i need to explain something, and ask you a few questions. Please dont interrupt, and please dont think you're going mad, i know its a lot to take in, But you need to understand."

"People like us? What's that supposed to mean? Where are we going? What about Kampê? What about my mother? Wont they-" i stuttered, but Percy held out his hand for me to stop.

"I thought i said no interruptions." He joked, then his face went serious, "okay," he muttered, "here goes... Jessica, Greek mythology is real."

He stood there like he was waiting for a reaction. I did nothing except stand and stare.

"Ooooookay then?" He carried on, "you and i are what the myths call, well, Demigods."

"I'm a what?" I shouted "I've just lost my mother and been attacked by massive snake woman! I dont know what's going on here and you tell me I'm a freakin Demigod!? Percy you better start making sense and tell me what the hell is going on here because i will..." i trailed off and paused. "I'm a demigod?" I said in wonder. "You're a demigod? We're demigods? What the?"

"It's true, im not mad, we are the children of  Greek gods, when they fall in love with mortals they have kids, and here we are. We're called Half-Bloods, and there's only one — no, wait, two — safe places for people like us, Camp Half-blood and Camp Jupiter. I'm taking you to camp Half-blood so you can train to fight monsters and basically survive in general."

"So..." i asked "if we're the kids of Gods, then which one is your father, and who Is my  father?"

"Well my father is—" Percy tried to say but before he could finish there was a great crash. "Uh-oh," he muttered "they've caught up with me!"

Before i could have time to process what Percy had just said, he grabbed my arm and said...

"No time to explain, just RUN!!!!" And then he took off, dragging me behind him. 

I quickly found my rhythm and soon i was running alongside him. I hated running but I'd always been faster than Percy. He dragged me down complicated alleyways and past decrepit old shops. We took a hard left and soon we were running down alongside a river. I could hear whatever was behind us thundering along, but there was no time to look back. Suddenly Percy stopped, and put his finger to his lips. I stopped too and stood motionless. Then, a horrible figure lurched from the shadows infront of us, and made a grab for Percy and me. He sidestepped and i ducked, spinning on the spot to see a giant, horned figure running straight at me. Percy cursed under his breath and turned again to look at what looked like three men made of clay. 

We were surrounded.

The huge horned figure barrelling towards us slowed to a halt and i could see it properly for the first time. It was huge! It had two massive, curved horns and it was seven feet tall. It's arms and legs were bulging with muscles and it's whole body was covered in short oaken-coloured hair. The creature's head was that of a bull's, with a horrible, slavering maw and fangs as long as my arm. It's eyes were milky white and it made a grunting sound. 

I turned away and faced the other three monsters. They weren't much better. They were hulking shapeless things, and they looked like they were made of wet clay. Their fists were like sledgehammers, and though they may be made of soft clay, i instinctively knew that i wouldn't be able to take even one hit. Percy looked worried and kept muttering under his breath. I couldnt understand what he was saying, but he looked really worried. He reached out ontop his pocket and pulled out the same pen i had seen him holding earlier. He held it out infront of him and uncapped it. The pen grew and changed shape until Percy was holding a three-foot-long sword, the blade curved like a leaf. I rubbed my eyes to make sure i was seeing properly. The sword was still there, glowing bronze in the light. I gaped.

"Percy, what... what is that? How did you...?"

"No time to explain, let me handle this and stay back. I cant bear to see you get hurt again." He replied quickly.

"Go on, Little Heroes, make your move!" The bull-man said, "i have waited a long time for a rematch, Jackson. I shall enjoy killing you and your girlfriend."

"I'm not-!"i started to say when the bull-man started laughing, a horrible sound so loud the earth shook. Wait... i thought isnt that bull man... the Minotaur? No, it can't  be. And what did he mean by rematch? "Percy, have you met this guy before?"

"Sadly yes. He attacked me on my way to camp-half-blood. I almost died!" He replied. "Well, enough talk, lets get to the part where i send you all to Tartarus." He spun, to fast for me to register and slashed the blade through the clay man. The man disintegrated into grey dust that got dispersed by the wind. He stabbed another clay man in the chest and was about to swipe the third man when he was lifted up by his leg, shouting obscenities by the laughing Minotaur. The beast let him dangle there for a few seconds, enjoying his victory, then drew his arm back...

And threw my best friend three hundred feet up into the air, in the direction of the river.

I watched, helpless, as Percy hurtled to his death at fifty miles per hour.

There was a great SPLASH as he hit the surface of the river then...


The girl with golden eyes. (Leo Valdez x reader) ON HOLD TEMPORARILYWhere stories live. Discover now