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Picture this story takes place in season 12, also my apologies for any mistakes I did not have time to proofread this. 

Olivia slowly blinked her eyes open and it took her a second to remember where she was, there was a cot they had pulled into her room where Elliot was sleeping, their son resting between them in his crib. She winced slightly as she tried to sit up but it wasn't easy, her stitches were fresh and she was extremely sore.

Not to mention the exhaustion.

She leaned up enough to reach over and stroke Noah's cheek lightly as he slept, he was so tiny, she couldn't believe that this little fragile thing was now hers, she wanted a family for so long and now it was happening, it truly didn't even feel real.

She heard stirring and Elliot's eyes opened, he gave her a sleepy smile before speaking, "Hey." He said, "Hey." Elliot let out an audible yawn as he sat up, "What time is it?" Olivia glanced at the clock, "Just a few minutes past 1." She responded. "I hate staying in hospitals overnight, it feels so weird, like all these people are asleep and the nurses and doctors are all still moving, I feel like I lose track of time in here, it's always moving." She whispered, both of them not wanting to wake Noah.

Elliot rose a brow, "Well doesn't the station feel that way sometimes?" He asked and she shrugged, "Yeah but, it gets emptier, patrol goes home, it's not as loud not as many calls, that kind of thing." Elliot smiled as he stood up and walked over, "Well within the next day or less we should be able to take Noah home, and it will just be you, me and him."

"I like the sound of that." Olivia whispered and leaned her head up to him, he smiled and leaned down the rest of the way to meet her lips, the kiss was just starting to grow more heated when a coo from Noah broke them apart and Elliot looked over, "Look who's awake," He smiled and leaned down picking up Noah from his crib.

"Hey buddy," He spoke and took a seat on the edge of Olivia's bed as he held him, she watched them with a lazy smile. She didn't know how much this would take out of her she truly was exhausted she listened to Elliot whisper words to their newborn as she fell asleep.


Two days went by and Olivia was released from the hospital, she watched as Elliot laid Noah down in the car seat and she sat down in the wheelchair, she found it a bit unnecessary seeing how she had been up and moving around the hospital room just fine.

"El seriously just let me walk."

Elliot laughed some as he strapped in Noah, "Nice try but doctors orders." Olivia rolled her eyes at that, "Yeah doctors orders my ass you just like to make me suffer like this." Elliot laughed slightly as he picked up Noah's car seat, "Take it easy there mama come on." 

Once they were at the car Olivia was allowed to stand on her own to which she rolled her eyes at Elliot complaining about all they did was get into an elevator and then get into the car. Olivia got into the backseat next to Noah's car seat. Noah was laying and sleeping, they had changed him into the outfit Amanda had bought him, it was a little big but it was adorable. 

Olivia was still fully in recovery and she was almost asleep by the time they got home and she got out of the car, she still wasn't allowed to carry in heavy things as her stitches were still healing which meant she could carry in the diaper bag but Elliot carried in Noah. 

She walked up the stairs just one at a time and held tight to the railing that lead up the stairs to their door. She grunted some as she walked in but she tried to stay as quiet as possible, the last thing she needed was Elliot coming at her with an 'I told you so.'

She went straight to the couch and sat down grunting again while Elliot followed her in shortly, "He's getting fussy already." He spoke as he took Noah out of the carrier once he was inside and settled. Olivia checked the time on her phone and nodded, "About time to feed him again, it's been about 3 hours." She reached forward and took Noah into her arms. 

All Too Well (a bensler fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant