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Olivia stepped out of the elevator and walked into the squad room, heading to her desk to grab some files. She looked over at the other end of her desk that was empty, looking untouched and looked to Fin and Munch, "Where's Elliot?" She asked as she picked up the files.

"Aren't you supposed to be in court?" Munch replied and Olivia sighed, "I'm late yes, answer the question." Olivia said as she began to head towards the door, "No idea. I'm sure he'll be here soon, go."


Olivia was in court for hours, she wasn't back at the station until that evening. She expected to find Elliot sitting at his desk plowing through files, probably with Cragen on his ass for being late but, when she walked into the squad room his desk was the same untouched area like before.

Olivia walked to Cragens office and knocked on his door. "Did Elliot come in today?" She asked and Cragen shook his head in response, "No, he called in had an emergency. How was court?" Cragen asked and Olivia furrowed her brows. Normally she wouldn't worry much but with Elliot's feelings about the baby she was worried about what happened. "Uh good, guilty on all counts, Casey nailed his ass."

Olivia walked back out and sat down at her desk, pulling her phone from her belt and she dialed Elliot's number. Voicemail, she couldn't say that she was surprised, but she was extremely worried so her next call went to Alexis. "Hello?" She heard Alexis' quiet, shaky voice on the other end. "Lex? Hey it's Olivia, is everything okay?"

"Oh uh...hi Olivia, uh no. No it's not. Have you seen Elliot?" Alexis asked her and Olivia furrowed her brows before responding, "No he hasn't come to work, I figured he was with you. What happened Alexis?" Olivia asked.

When she heard the words she was shocked.

"I'll find him Lex."


Olivia told Cragen that she had a personal matter and he let her go. Olivia knew exactly where he was. She walked to the coat rack and slipped her coat on before riding the elevator down and she went to her car. Olivia drove to the bar close to the court house that the crew would go out for drinks at after a case.

Olivia pulled into an empty parking space and got out of the car. She walked in and gave a wave with a small smile to the bartender. She walked up to the bar and spoke, "Hey you seen Stabler?" She asked and he pointed to the end of the bar and that's where she saw him.

Elliot was hunched over a glass and it looked like he had been crying. Olivia sighed and shook her head walking over to Elliot and pulling up a stool next to him. "Elliot, I am so sorry." She spoke and Elliot looked up at her, tears were in his eyes and his cheeks were wet. Elliot started to cry again and his head fell forward, landing in Olivia's arm as he cried again.

Olivia didn't know what to do, she held his head in her arm and leaned down, putting her cheek on the top of his head. "I'm so sorry." She said again and held onto him. Elliot continued to cry for a few minutes before he sat up. "It's my fault." Elliot said and Olivia shook her head, "It's not your fault Elliot, it is nobody's fault."


It took a moment but Olivia managed to bring Elliot up to his feet, he stumbled out of the bar and out to her car. Olivia helped him into the passenger seat and walked over to the other side to get into the drivers. "Elliot, it's a miscarriage. It happens, you should be home with Alexis. She needs someone to be there for her, she needs someone to hold her and tell here everything is going to be okay."

Elliot was staring out the window, he looked over at her when she spoke. "I didn't want the baby. I loved the baby but I didn't want him. Now he's dead." Olivia watched Elliot's face. He was broken over this, he had confessed his worries about the baby but nobody would suspect that this would happen.

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