Tommy said we were going to see Will today. That he was going to give him a tour of sorts, bring me along as well, since I hadn't seen much either.

Tommy stopped in the front room.

Giving him a quick nod we headed out the door and down the prime path to L'manhole.

Wilbur had disappeared for a few days, so I was excited to see him again. However, Tommy hadn't been taking things to well.

His sleeping patterns got worse and he never brought up Will being my Dad. I was worried for him. I know Dad did some bad stuff but knowing can't compare to experiencing it.

I just hope it all gets better.

Reaching L'manhole we stood atop the glass. Friend was nearby so I took his lead off the fence post and held him beside Tommy and I.

Will arrived shortly after, walking off some of the old rubble towards us.

"Hey Will."

"Hello Eden, hello Tommy. How are you doing?"

Tommy then made a sarcastic comment about Will being back, standing more in front of me than beside me, almost like he was making some sort of barrier between me and Will as he walked towards us.

"You remember the ghost? I remember the ghost."

"What?" Tommy furrowed his eyebrows as Will walked around him, now standing beside Friend and I.

"Tommy all my memories are coming back. I know this isn't your sheep anymore."

Friend looked up and Wilbur before nudging his hand slightly, I kept a grip on their lead.

"Tommy this is my sheep." Will flipped his hand around and pet Friend as he kept talking to Tommy.

"This is Ghostbur's sheep." Tommy retorted, I could see irritation was slowly growing on his face.

"If we go by order of succession, or inheritance, this is my sheep. Or at the very least it would be Eden's sheep. Technically it's my sheep."

"Yeah- but do you and Ghostbur count as the same person is-." Tommy retaliated, his voice wavering and quiet. "Are you the same person, you and Ghostbur?"

Wilbur stammered, looking off and thinking for a second before responding.

"I'd say in the purposes of possessions, I'm the same as Ghostbur. Like look he was a sword called Lore."

Wilbur unsheathed an enchanted diamond sword, that did indeed have the name 'Lore' carved into the blade. He handed it to Tommy, Tommy handing it to me.

I kinda inspected it in a way. Techno had taught me a decent amount about the craftsmanship and upgrades of weapons, so I couldn't say I was the best person to evaluate it but it worked.

It definitely could use some work, only having Sharpness lV and Unbreaking lll. Along with being a diamond sword, rather than netherite.

The overall structure was a bit off as well, it was more bulky, a weapon more for harsh direct swings rather than calculated swift ones.

However I know my father isn't the best fighter so it didn't matter all that much.

Brushing the thoughts from my head I handed the sword back to Wilbur, glad to have the noticeably heavy weapon out of my hands.

"Do you know where my gun is?"

Tommy furrowed his eyebrows at Will's question before his eyes widened as I assume he recalled whatever Wilbur was talking about. Something of the Chekhov variety, whatever that means.

Will asked Tommy to tour him around the server now since it's been thirteen years since he's been dead as he claims, as far as I'm aware it was only around seven to eight months.

With some more bickering between Wilbur and Tommy about bringing Friend along we walked off the glass and towards the prime path. I much preferred the path to the glass crater, it scared me.

Stopping mid-way through walking Wilbur apologized to Tommy, at first Tommy saw it as a threat. However through explanation Dad said he wanted to make some apologies to people.

'That's great that Dad's come to terms with apologizing. Maybe now Tommy will get off his back some much for his past actions, everyone's deserving of a second chance in my book.'

Tommy agreed to giving Wilbur a tour, starting off with a large blackstone area? Beside the mountain.

"This is where Glatt died- oh no sorry schlatt. This is where schlatt died. I think I still have his bones."


Looking at the image above a very old and very broken casket, was a man with two large ram horns, slicked back brown hair with facial hair only on the sides of his face, and topping it all off with a black suit, the red of his eyes matching his tie to an almost unnerving point.

He looked kind of familiar, I couldn't pinpoint why.

At the mention of Schlatt's grave Will started asking about his, asking Tommy to take him to his grave, as ominous as that sounds.

They started to walk off, I still gazed at the photo.

Glancing down a noticed something growing between the blackstone bricks. A singular white tulip. Odd, considering I hadn't seen one ever naturally bloom around this area. Looking back up at the casket and back to the flower, I took my hand to the bottom of the stem, picking the flower then gently placing it atop the casket.

'I believe everyone deserves some level of respect, especially if they had to go through death alone. I don't think anyone should have to go through that.'

With that I turned back to the path, quickly running back to catch up with Tommy and Wilbur on the prime path. Wilbur taking my hand once I appeared back at his side.

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