Airplane Ride

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Arlynes POV
I was sitting on a chair waiting for our airplane ride. I wad hearing 1989. And can I tell you guys how good that album is.

I heard 5 girls coming running and screaming in the corner of my eye. HOLY SHIT. Tears came out of my eyes while hugging my friends.

"Oh my gosh what are you guys doing here" I said in a raspy voice

"we came to say our last goodbyes Citlalli's dad droped us off" one of my friends said.

"Aw my loves" I said while crying.

"Hey did you tell your dad if you could come with me to Utah" I asked Valerie.

"Im so sorry but- " She got off by her dad calling her to come get her stuff.

"Val you're going?! I thought your mom was so overprotective" I said almost fainting.

"well your mom and dad convvinsed
her and now im going to Utah with your annoying ass. I dont know how im going to handle your bipolar butthole in the airplane!" She said

I Hugged her " You know you love me" I said

"Bye dad I love you" Valerie said almost tearing up

We said our last goodbyes to our friends and family

Even though we were going to see eachother again in summer and skype everyday I would still miss them very much.

We started getting in the plane and got our seats. My mom and dad were 7 rows in front of us with my little brothers. I dont even l know why.

I took the window seat and Valerie sat in my right. I looked like a complete mess. My hair was in a messy bun and little hairs were everywhere. I had a some sweat pants and a loose tee that was so comfy and some water in a starbucks cup.

The lady came walking making sure everyone had their seatbelt.

"Hey can you hear that" Valerie said.

"Shhhhh!" I said trying to find the beautiful sound

"OH GOD" I turned around to two boys hearing no conrol.

I saw HIM. That stupid boy hearing to One Direction. ONE DIRECTION.

Thru the gap of the seat we saw him with earplugs on full volume. We could've heard No control and I just stared at him.

"Do you need help with something?"
The boys friend said. Which I remebered his name was daniel I think.

The boy that was hearing to some One Direction looked up from his Ipod and smirked at me.

Fuck I get so nervous when im around hot boys. Im socially akward around boys. So I tried not to pay attention to them the whole airplane ride.

Valerie turned and thru the chair gap saw the two boys, and smirked at me.

"Valerie!" I snapped while smiling.

"They are not half bad" She whisperd while smirking.

"You know how I get akward when im around boys" I said

I felt someone kick my seat. How stupid can these kid be.

"So did you get on this plane beacuse of me."

I looked back to see the hot boy smirking.

"No im actully moving to Utah" I said. Im actully very impressed because I would have normally make a fool of myself.

"Pfff yea right" He said

"I am" I snapped

"ok whatever you say" He said while turing back to hear my sunshines

"Oh and by the way I really like your music taste" I said akwardly

"Dont have to be shy" he smirked

"I bet you only get shy because of me" He giggled with his friend.

"That is not true!" I snapped

I was lying. Oh god please let me have a good ride.

A/N: Guys thank you so much for 100 reads. I cant brlieve people are acctully reading my book😂 But anyways thank you guys so much ily guys💘

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