Chapter 32 - The Owl

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Harry returned to the common room after a long stint in the library with Hermione. He was visibly tired but glad to have the evening off form Quidditch practice to be able to relax and unwind and despite the impeccable healing from Madam Pomfrey almost a week earlier, he still felt a little stiff and thought it best to skip flying for a few more days

Upon entering the common room he was greeted by the usual sight. Ron playing wizards chess with Dean, Seamus and Neville dealing cards with the Hufflepuff boy. General chatter amongst the students while the birds still chirped on the outside window 

"Is Draco here?" Harry asked, dropping his books onto the beanbag beside him 

"Blimey, that's all he ever thinks about isn't it? That bloody Slytherin" Ron moaned, shooting a wink at Hermione

"For your information I haven't properly seen Draco since... this morning" Harry scratched his head realising it hadn't been that long but the study session felt like days. "I've spent the whole afternoon with this one!" he gestured to Hermione beside him 

"Too right! You've been putting off doing your exam preparations for weeks now, Harry. I expect you to join me again tomorrow" Hermione inquired

Harry rolled his eyes and slumped on the sofa, sharing a look with Ron 

"Anyway" she glared at them both "To answer your earlier question, yes. I believe Draco is in his bedroom with Pansy, she told me they were hanging out this afternoon" 

"Cool" Harry got up and strode across the room to the bedrooms "Don't worry, Ron! I'll be back in a bit, I won't spend my whole evening to the 'bloody Slytherin'!" Harry chuckled

Harry approached the bedrooms but stopped in his tracks at a high pitched squeal coming from Draco's room 


Harry tried the handle to his door but it didn't budge

Oh my goddddd!!


He knocked on the door rapidly 

"Draco what's going on in there? Let me in!" 

The door cracked open slightly where Draco appeared in the gap, red faced and panicked

"Oh hey, Harry. What's up?" Draco asked casually, trying poorly to cover any sign of distress 

Harry stood perplexed "Errrr.. wanna tell me what's going on?"

Draco forced a smile which Harry could so blatantly see through "Mmm...nope!" 

"Draco?" Harry tried to look past him but Draco obscured his view "Draco what are you hiding from me?"

"ahhhhh!" another scream came from inside from Pansy

Harry glared at him and shoved his way through, pushing the door back into the room to the most bizarre scene 

Pansy was standing frozen in shock in the centre of the bedroom, flapping her arms in distress as an owl was perched on her head. Blaise was crouching on Draco's bed swinging a pillow back and forth trying to shoo the bird away but with little luck 

Harry tried to comprehend the madness that he was seeing but words failed him. Draco grimaced and dropped his head into his hands 

"What.... is happening?" Harry asked with wide eyes 

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Get it off! Get it off!!" Pansy shrieked as Blaise swung the pillow right into the side of her head, knocking her sideways onto the floor

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