Chapter 25. Falling Apart

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Draco was laying on the stone cold floor of the 5th floor corridor. His aching body resting against the brickwork, curling over in agony at the pain twisting through his torso

He closed his eyes and pinched his nose as blood ran down it, passing his lips and dripping off of his chin, staining his crisp white shirt like ink onto paper. Scrunching his eyes shut with every sting that hit him, he tried to move but knew it would be some moments before he was ready to stand again

He looked up at the ceiling above, wishing, hoping and asking for help and forgiveness from anyone out there, asking how long he would have to endure these painful, unexpected acts of aggression from those most hostile towards him

He'd been beaten again. Kicked and punched and spat at, blinding pain boring into his ribs, his stomach and his head, but worst of all, one of them threw a hex at him, throwing him back against the wall and slicing open his arm. He lay there allowing the numbness to set in, breaking into tears feeling utterly hopeless and alone

After some time had passed, pleased that no one had stumbled upon his current condition, he managed to get to his feet, holding onto the sharp pain in his sides where feet had impacted his body with brute force. He smudged the tears and blood with the back of his hand and steadied his ragged breathing, making a way up to the common room. It was a midweek afternoon, so he'd hoped most students would be busy in class or outside in the scorching May sunshine. The fewer people he came across the better

He creaked open the common room door slowly, etching his way inside hoping to make his way to his bedroom before collapsing from the pain

Oh great. Granger and Weasley are here

He cowered his face and looked away as he hurried as fast as he could around the outside of the room. They were sat together lovingly on the couch, already in conversation but to Draco's dismay, Hermione caught a glimpse of him

"Hi Dra- Draco? Are you alright??" Hermione asked, her gentle tone quickly switching to one of concern

Draco hid his face and tried to hurry onwards

"Draco, you're bleeding!" she called, pointing at the speck of blood on the floor

"Oh am I? Well don't worry, I can handle it-"

"Wait... has something happened?" Hermione stood up to inspect further. Ron looked over curiously, but refrained from showing any pity. Draco was visibly shaking, his eyes red and puffy and the tears were staining his cheeks.

"Forget about it, I'm fine." he tried to answer assertively but the break in his voice gave him away

She walked over to him slowly with sympathetic eyes "Draco, please let me help you."

Ron scoffed and shook his head but Hermione instantly glared at him, growing tired of his attitude

"Ron. Put your ego aside for one moment please. Go and grab me a fresh face cloth and my vial of dittany from my bathroom please... now!"

Ron shoved her book to one side and got up begrudgingly, muttering something inaudible under his breath. Hermione aided Draco back to the couch, where he sat apprehensively beside her. She gently moved the hair from his eyes and checked over his bruises, pity across her face. She hated seeing anyone in pain, it was in her nature to console those in need

Draco felt strange being this close to her but he felt so low right now he didn't care. He hated people feeling sorry for him, hated showing weakness but he wasn't in a position to walk away

"Oh gosh, Draco, this really is bad. Does this- sorry, does it hurt to touch?" she asked, slowly examining the cuts and bruises as Draco winced and jerked at the sensitive, painful touch

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