02. New Friends

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Paul's P.O.V.

"What do ye guys think of Bella?" I asked the lads.

"Seems like a great bird." George replied with his mouth full of his sandwich.

"Why don't ye have a shag with 'er McCartney?" John asked in a sarcastic tone.

"She's not like that Lennon."

Bella's P.O.V.

I walked back into the canteen to the lads at the table while they stopped talking when I sat down. It was quiet for a moment until John spoke up.

"We're 'eadin ove' to Paul's 'ouse later. Wanna join us?"

"Sounds killer. I'll be there."

"Im goin' with John and Stuart. George 'ere will take ye 'ome" He said walking away and waving.

"I guess we should go" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the canteen.

We talked about Liverpool, school, and music. He told me about how he failed his exams and was offered to repeat his final year but decided against the idea. We talked for a long time until I realized we weren't near my house.

"George, did we pass my house?"

He nodded. "'Bout twenty minutes ago. I just like talkin' to ye" He said whilst putting his hand on the back of his neck and looking down. "Sorry" He laughed nervously.

"It's alright" I smiled, grabbing his hand.

We walked back to my house and he walked me to the doorstep.

"See ye at John's later." He said beginning to walk away. I grabbed his arm and pulled him closer kissing his cheek.

"Yea see ya later." I said and quickly went inside.

"I'm home" I yelled. I determined no one was home when there was no answer. I walked into the kitchen grabbing an apple from the bowl on the table and seeing a note on the table.

We've gone shopping. Be back in an hour."

I decided to wait a little while and watch some television. There was a re-run of Elvis on The Ed Sullivan Show from '56.

Once the show was over, I went to my room fixed up my hair and changed into a pair of pants and a shirt. I didn't dress like this often because my mother believes I'll become a "rocker" or a "groupie" and sleep around with band members. She worries too much.

I went to the kitchen flipping over the note my parents left. I grabbed a pen and left a note.

"Went to Paul's be back soon. Love you."

I walked out the door and across the yard or garden as they call it here. I knocked on the door waiting for an answer, I heard voices from the other side and the Paul answered the door.

"Bella! There ye are! What took ye so long? Ye get lost?" He laughed.

"No I was waiting for my parents but they haven't came home yet." I said nudging his shoulder.

"Oh well the lads and i were just playing some Elvis. Wanna 'ave a listen?"

"Sure" I said following him up stairs to his room.

John and George were sitting on the bed and Paul's guitar was against the wall. Paul grabbed his guitar sitting in a chair on the other side of the room while I sat on the bed behind George.

They began to play Heartbreak Hotel while John sang.

"Well, since my baby left me,
I found a new place to dwell.
It's down at the end of lonely street
at Heartbreak Hotel.

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