(2) Extra Chicken Too

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I thought maybe talking about what had happened would have helped. Well, it didn't. It made me just more upset. My mom called me and just sat on the other end listening to my weeps. I told myself I wouldn't cry. It makes me weak. Sure it shows emotion. But my emotions are my weakness. It shows people and gives them the opportunity to hurt me more. I can’t handle that anymore. Not after everything else.

“Honey, you need to take a breath. You sound like you aren’t breathing,” my mom says in her soothing voice. “Yes! That’s great! I’ll take 4 pizzas. One cheese, one meat lovers, one deep dish, and the last one Barbeque Chicken pizza.”

“I love you,” I say since my mom had to go because someone else walked into the room.

“Extra chicken too.”

I hang up, and lay back on my couch right when an knock happens on the door. I shake my hair down and put on my sun glasses. It would make since because my screen door to my patio was open so it could look like I was outside. I open the door and then stood a random teenage boy.

“Hum….Can I help you?” I ask pushing my glasses up and looking the guy up and down.

“Yeah, actually. I live next door, and I saw you moving in and I wanted to come and say hi and welcome you to the neighborhood.” His voice was soft, yet had that small edge to it. His skin was sun kissed and had a quiff in his dark brown hair. His smile stretched across his face and dimples appeared along with the bright gleam that shimmered in his eyes.

“Hi,” I say awkwardly.

“Oh! My names Nick. I like your hair! It’s so cool and like chill.”

“Hum. Thanks. My names Olivia.” See, that wasn’t a complete lie. Olivia IS my name, just my middle name.

“Do you live here alone?”

“I feel like if I answer this question, you’ll just come and creep on me in my sleep.”

“I won’t! I swear. My parents would probably put me in jail!” A look of worry appears on my face at how cruel Nick’s parents could be. To put their own son in jail for that? “They’re both cops. Trust me. They wouldn’t turn me in randomly. I promise. The look on your face tho!”

“But yes. I live here alone.”

“How old are you?”


“I’m 18. I’m not some creepy stalker.”

“Oh. That’s slightly less worrisome. I’m 17. 18 in….Wait, what’s today?”

“June 13th.”

“Oh. Then I’ll be 18 in two days.” My small smile that was once on my face disappeared. No one to spend my 18th birthday with. The final age when I finally become an adult.

“Did you….run away?”

“No. Well, kind of. My parents know, Just not a lot of other people.”

“You look really familiar.”

“I don’t know. I’m not really cool.”

“Are you related to any celebrities?”

“Why don’t I just give you my Social Security Number,” I joke.

“You seem cool.”

“So do you. What school do you go to?”

“Winchester High. It’s like 10 minutes walking from here.”

“That’s the one my parents signed me up for. Well, I have to finish unpacking, but I’ll see you around.”

“You know, Melody, you’re really something else.”

“Wait, what did you call me?”

“Melody Olivia Page.”

The color drains from my face and my hands slightly shake.

“How do you know who I am?”

“Oh Melody. I know so much more about you.”


Sorry it's short, but I wanted to end the chapter here to add some supense. Have fun waiting (till tomorrow night most likely.)

Hollywood's Biggest MysteryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora