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It happens again
I open my eyes
And there you are
Walking in front of me
Like you always do
'Will I be able to make
Any difference?' I think
I hold your hand tighter
You look back with a smile
There I was yet again,
With tears in my eyes,
Your smile doesn't fade still
As the Car comes crashing again
I see you getting off the ground,
Your eyes fixated on mine,
Hand reaching out to me,
I fail again, standing too far
Wish time could freeze here,
I will grab your hand and
Hold you in my arms,
As your head rests
on my chest but
I see you falling down
Splash of red & pain,
I close my crying eyes again
Is this my suffering?
Why are you here always?
Is this because of our promise?
Till the end we will be.

It happens again
I open my eyes and......

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