Cowherd and Weaver

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Once upon a time, there lived a poor cowherd named Kongpob.

His parents had passed while he was young and he was brought up by his brother.

However, when he came of age, his sister-in-law requested that he leave their home to make it on his own, insisting that they were struggling to feed three mouths instead of just the two.

So Kongpob thanked his brother and moved on with the only possession his parents left him, an old cow named Janet.

Kongpob roamed the land together with Janet with the four corners of the earth as their home.

While he never had any extra money on hand, Kongpob took any laborious job, doing all sorts of physically demanding work in order to make ends meet.

Sometimes, he would come upon a kind soul or two, who would give him a little extra, which he would save towards building him his own house.

Eventually, he managed to build his own humble abode, enough to keep the wind and rain out and the warmth in.

Though he had Janet's company, Kongpob wished to one day have his own family. But he also knew that in order to be  a suitable husband, he would have to work hard and make sure that he had something to offer his future partner.

One day, Kongpob was up in the mountains, on a quest for medicinal herbs for the village doctor when he heard the most beautiful singing voice in his entire life.

The melodic voice had a clarity that could only belong to one who was gentle and pure. Entranced, Kongpob couldn't help but to follow it.

Not wanting to startle the owner whose song was even prettier than the loveliest nightingale, Kongpob inched forward, his heartbeat accelerating with quiet anticipation.

Swallowing the nervous lump in his throat, he brushed the veil of lush leaves back to reveal a being so beautiful, Kongpob knew he was committing a most offensible sin.

The being in the water was not meant for man's eyes. His snow white skin glistened from the mountain spring water, a stark contrast to the silky, midnight hair that framed soft pink cheeks. His nose rounded but prominent, a little flushed from the heat of the springs.

He was absolutely divine.

Kongpob was bewitched by his beauty, wishing nothing more than for him to turn around and see him too.

Keeping his breathing low, he crouched down slowly when he spotted a sparkling rock. He reached towards it and his fingertips brushed up against the most luxurious cloth. The robes glimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, and felt like heaven in his hands.

He snatched it, hoping to meet the beautiful one when he'd eventually look for his missing robes.

Arthit had come down from the heavens on a rainbow with his six sisters to enjoy the beauty of the land and to take a nice bath in the springs.

Since he was separated from them, he was instructed to sing so they would know he was still safe.

After a relaxing amount of time had passed, Arthit started to walk out of the spring to get dressed to meet up with his sisters when he found that his robe was missing. With a shallow splash, he quickly took cover back in the water.

Someone must be here.

"Arthit! Are you okay?" He heard his eldest sister call for him.

"J-jie jie... I cannot seem to find my robe," he responded.

"Do you need me to come help you?"

Not wanting to risk his sisters' safety, Arthit urged them to return to the heavens first. "No, it's okay. I will find them and join you."

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