Please Tell Me

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Kongpob caught sight of his senior on his way to the canteen and jogged in a beeline towards him.


The head hazer mentally patted himself on the back for refraining from face palming at Kongpob's sing-song voice.

"What do you want?" He wasn't in the mood for Kongpob's little games.

The younger man's eyes had the glint of a predator eyeing its prey. "Please tell me I did a good job."

"No," he grunted before scurrying away, looking for his friends to help ward off the nuisance.

Why was his junior so intent on receiving his praise?

It's not like they were dating or anything.

Of course, Kongpob persisted and found a way to break down Arthit's carefully constructed defenses.

Then even after they started dating, it still took Arthit three months before he finally admitted to Kongpob that he did a good job during Freshy Night. Just so he could avoid that satisfied smirk on that smug handsome face.

"Were you charmed by me ever since that night P'Arthit?" The cheekiness of the junior ramping up exponentially at the revelation.

Arthit grumbled incoherently in protest, not wanting to divulge any more information.

But that didn't deter the younger man at all.

"Na~ I think P'Arthit you must have fallen for me right there. Thinking to yourself, wow, Kongpob is so f-"

Arthit had no desire to hear the rest on that sentence.

So he pulled Kongpob by the collar and crashed their lips together in an attempt to shut him up once and for all.


Arthit had gotten a small promotion at work, but leave it to Kongpob to celebrate with him anyways.

He surprised him with a home cooked meal composed of Arthit's favorite foods.


They were cuddled up on the couch after dinner, Arthit wrapped up in Kongpob's arms as he reviewed yet another reference book for work.


"Please tell me my cooking tastes good."

Arthit dog eared the page and closed the book with a soft sigh. "Kong, did you not hear me at dinner?"

Then as if right on cue, Kongpob's kicked puppy eyes stared down at him and Arthit swore he even got his lower lip to quiver.

Rubbing his forehead between his furrowed brows, Arthit heaved another sigh as he thought about what he could say to appease his young lover. "Kong..."

But it turned out his unfinished explanation was unnecessary.

Kongpob had taken it upon himself to take from Arthit the salve he wanted.

Sneaky lips nipped against the shell of Arthit's rapidly reddening ear as he spelled out his trap.

"If... my cooking wasn't tasty enough, how about I give you something I know you'll love for dessert?"


"I didn't hear a no... so, it's a yes then."

"Wh-what? No..!"

And Kongpob took it upon himself to seal off all further protests with a deep kiss.


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