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(Boarding school au, I'm going to try and get George's done today but probably in a couple hours since it's almost 5am lol)

- Takes music, philosophy, history and general arts.

- National 5 for all subjects.

- Doesn't have a backup plan.

- Still growing out his emo/gothic phase. (Ik they're different don't attack me)

- Wears snap bracelets.

- Listens to Black veil brides and my chemical romance. 

- also wears eyeliner.

- Play's cs;go just to end up yelling at people.

- Paints his nails so he doesn't bite them, bites them anyway.

- Very into Greek and Egyptian mythology.

- Drinks ultra paradise monster.

- Skips class to go to the café in town.

- Gets in trouble for not wanting to see graphic images or do dissections.

- Doodles on his papers.

- Wears heeled shoes or slightly platformed shoes.

- Him and George are basically just 'Short angry boyfriend and tall soft boyfriend'

- Also him and George are dating if you couldn't tell.

- He first became friends with George when they got paired together for a project in first year then in s2 they met Jeff who met Tom and then Roy.

- Hates the taste of water and milk.

- Has eaten cereal with water though.

- Says shut up a lot, it'll be silent and he'll randomly say shut up.

- Is easily startled but pretends he isn't.

- Likes strawberries to a weird degree, he will eat a punnet of strawberries in under a minute.

- Just does not sneeze, he refuses to.

- Whenever he's rude to someone George makes him apologize and then apologizes for him as well.

- Is unkempt, like his hair is messy and his clothes are always wrinkles.

- Lies for no reason randomly.

- Seems quite rude but is very sweet when he warms up to people.

- Swears a lot.

- Is more angry when he has bad days but always feels bad.

- Enjoys the taste of toothpaste and mouthwash.

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