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(Modern au)

- Would probably wear these style of sweaters; 

- Would wear chapstick

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- Would wear chapstick.

- Probably uses he/they pronouns.

- Mostly used a burner phone until Jeff told him to just get a mobile, probably uses a samsung or an old iphone, either way it's probably cracked.

- Probably took psychology in high school and joined the mental health ambassadors (Idk if its a thing outside of my school but you basically just get training to refer people to different services)

- Was in a book club until someone recommended diary of an oxygen thief, They hates the book.

- Now has his own book club, Jeff goes every week and sometimes Bob and George go to.

- The first one to get a driving license and is still the designated driver.

- Smokes but still tells the others not to and helped George quit, no one knows apart from Bob since he found his lighter.

- They're scared of everything basically apart from insects.

- At one point had a pet snail.

- Also collects tea, he's still extremely excited that he got Tienchi Flower Tea, also has a strawberry ceramic tea pot. (I have the set it's amazing) Knows how to make tea out of most flowers, whenever anyone's stressed he makes them lavender tea.

- Doesn't understand starbucks cup sizes.

- Takes care of any stray or hurt cats they'll look after them until he finds the owner or takes them to the shelter.

- Bought everyone those matching best friend necklaces when they first met and everyone still wears them, Bob wears his as a bracelet though.

- Sometimes plays video games with Tom and Jeff, doesn't understand it but has a lot of fun.

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