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(Modern au)

- he/him, bisexual.

- Is a stoner but doesn't smoke that often.

- Has a collection of kinetic sand, his collection keeps growing and sometimes the others ask for a turn and he runs it like a drug den, he has all the scents, sets and colours and no one knows why or how it started.

- Probably into horror but his favourite is sci-fi for everything.

- Has a crush on Tom.

- He's a gamer, his favourite game is probably eve.

- Is the best at Mario Kart but always lets Tom win and sometimes Roy if he's feeling nice.

- His ears are stretched but they're pretty small, also has his bridge done he had a septum and snake bite but they closed up.

- Always has snacks and drinks in his room, always keeps fizzy orange juice for Tom and fruit snacks for George.

- Gives himself stick and poke tattoos, his favourites are a smiley face on the inside of his pinkie finger and a human heart on his inner wrist.

- Used to really into skateboarding but mostly uses a longboard or roller-skates now.

- Is the one that has to explain the starbucks cup sizes to Roy anytime they go.

- His favourite monster is ultra black and mule. (If your favourite is original your a heathen)

- Usually is the one watching whatever chaos is going on in the house.

- Accidently left edibles out in the kitchen and got the house high.

- He's also an artist but prefers drawing/sketching, he sometimes draws the others portraits if he gets bored but he's really good with clay and pottery.

- Has a tooth gap.

- Knows a lot of random facts, he will literally just appear at someone's doorframe and stare at them while "Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents" and leave the other person confused.

- He accidently knocked over one of Roy's plants, cried and rushed to replace it, Roy still doesn't know and it's now an inside joke between the rest of the house.

- He's usually the most chill one but sometimes he goes out with Tom and ends up getting delivered by the police with him. Roy always gets George to scold them with the "I expect this from Tom but you Jeff?" and "I'm not mad I'm just disappointed" 

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