Night Games

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Angel took my hand, and I followed her lead into the bedroom. She had already pulled down the duvet cover and sheets. It was midafternoon, but the room was midnight black, thanks to the blackout window treatments.

Angel had one scented candle lit, more for ambiance than anything else, I thought. She let go of my hand and put one knee on the king-sized bed. As she positioned herself and moved across the bed, I saw that she wasn't wearing anything under her shirt. Her demonic body was sculpted and perfect from my vantage point.

I followed her and slipped into bed, the pillowtop mattress molded to my shape. I laid my head on the down pillow and turned to look at Angel. Her layered, red hair accentuated the amber in her eyes. She gazed at me longingly.

"Angel, how long have you been a minion? What was it like after you were changed?" I asked my questions softly.

"I'm not exactly sure how long, I did see the great pyramids built, so it was just after that, but our time is not like human time. It's painful remembering what life was like before we were changed. There are places we can go inside the underworld and watch the lives of humans through the living veil, seeing them live the kind of lives we will never have.

"I watched for countless years as the world changed from my time to yours. Being an Angel first, I never really fit in with the demonic. I had to stay to myself and choose my fights carefully. The inner workings of the demon world were very harsh and unforgiving to me at times.

"A demon cannot kill another demon unless both agree to a death duel, but everything else is allowed. Vile heartless clans existed that sought out lesser minions for pleasure and pain. Riots, wars, mass mutilation, it all happened. The wars and uprisings were terrible, but I had other things to worry about too.

"Sometimes it rained acid for months scalding everything that touched it creating rivers of flowing death. Winters came and went bringing months of ice and freezing razor wind. I also had to survive yearlong Blackfire storms and Howler plagues."

"What are Howlers?" I asked.

"Nightmarish dogs, they live deep in the void but make their way out from time to time hunting. They come in droves and drag down as many minions as possible. The underworld is not a forgiving place for the most part.

"But It wasn't all bad; one time, I found an underworld berry bush that had five berries on it." She smiled at the thought.

"What's so good about a berry?" I said.

"It tastes just like love feels. One bite and I became my old self again, before the curse. I felt warmth and a connection with God and my family; it was euphoric. But, coming down from my berry high was rough, and as it wore off, sadness returned tenfold, and the longing to be what I once was devastated me. The berries were just another form of torture." Tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

"You've been in the underworld for thousands of years, Angel. Enduring God knows what, I'm so sorry, sweetie."

"It's ok, I'm sorry for what I did, and I hope one day I'll be forgiven." Angel's eyelids beat several tears loose.

I raised my head off the pillow and moved toward Angel, and gently kissed her watering eyes. She had crystal-clear tears. They were not salty but sweet. I kissed softly down her tear trail past her cheek; she turned into my kiss, and our lips met. She reached up tenderly and laced her fingers through my hair, then rested her hand on the back of my head.

I pulled back slightly, opened my mouth, and took in her bottom lip, jewelry, and all. When I sucked the jewelry and her lip inside my mouth Angel let out a slight murmur.

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