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"kai! you didn't have to," paige said on loudspeaker to kai, with saffron by her side.

"of course i did, liebe. you deserve it."

the girl picked up a golden necklace, which had a sun on it. after all, she was his sunshine, to quote the famous song.

"wow, i," paige acted stunned, whilst saffron took a picture of the necklace, knowing exactly what to do after the phone call ends. "thank you, babe. it's so... beautiful."

"just like you, darling. i've got to go to training now, timo say hi to paige!"

"hi to paige!"

"fucking idiot. talk soon, yeah?"

"of course, call me once you've finished training. see you!"

she hung up the call, and turned to her best friend. simultaneously, they spoke. "this has to get out there,"

paige then went through her contacts, clicking on the name 'harry', before pressing the call button.

after two and a half rings, he picked up. "hello?"

"harry, it's paige. i need your help,"

"oh, hey. yeah, sure, what do you need?"

"i've been given a necklace by none other than kai havertz, that german footballer who plays for chelsea?"

"i know him, pretty average on the field. continue,"

"i was wondering if you could put it out there? make up a story which is kinda true and, like, expose him, kinda?"

"what do you mean by a story which is kinda true?"

"say that because we haven't seen us two on his socials that it's relatively recent, a potential one night stand, per say. then he fell incredibly fast, got the necklace for me, boom."

"perfect. it'll be out by the end of the week, easily. go out with him with it on, it'll make you seem less secretive."

"brilliant! you are amazing! thank you so much, i owe you one,"

"i know you do. give it a few weeks, this will be over soon,"

"hopefully. can't wait for that day! see you,"


the phone call ended, and all that the girls could do was wait.

a short while later, kai's training session had ended, and called his beloved girlfriend. they decided to go to a restaurant, paige's treat. at the fancy place, expected, were paparazzi. surrounded by a never ending, repeated flashing lights, they managed to pave their way through the crowd. paige managed to get exactly what she wanted, the necklace around her neck and over her dress would clearly make center stage.

a few hours after their dinner, a notification popped up on paige's phone. 'article written. uploading!'

'it's out there now. enjoy seeing his reaction!'


RECENT NEWS ARTICLES: Kai Havertz' gets his secret lover a £5000+ necklace?
written by Harry Taylor

Only a few hours after Chelsea's anticipated training session after the weekend's win, one of their star players, Kai Havertz, was pictured at 'Le Gavroche', with a woman of whom we don't know her identity.

Judging by his Instagram following, the girl alongside the German superstar could be @paigekelly, of which is a private account. We presume that her real name is Paige Kelly, but this is only by assumption.

It seems as if it was a recent following, so potentially Kai fell in love with this girl and got her a necklace to swoon her over. Obviously, an act that a fool would do, as the girl could be playing him on. We do not know any details of their relationship, but it seems to be the case.

The thing which struck me the most about this surprise appearance by the 22 year-old, was the fact that the girl was wearing a necklace, gold, and having a half-sun at the end of the chain, looking not too dissimilar to one released by Piaget recently, containing a price tag of £5900.

The necklace in question (pictured above)

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The necklace in question (pictured above)

Clearly, the young player has taken a liking to this mysterious girl, or we have got things completely and utterly wrong and she bought it herself, which seems unlikely.

Hopefully the football player has found the girl for him, as we all know what happened with his ex partner (we don't want to talk about it, what a complete catastrophic mess that was).

We will keep you up-to-date with Kai's new girl, as hopefully more comes in as we see more of her.


"paige, have you seen?" kai asked his girlfriend, after getting home from their wonderful dinner.

"seen what, my love?"

"erm, the media outlets saw us and the necklace i got you and, er, kinda made a whole article about it. they also found your instagram."

"what!" paige took his phone from him, and once she saw who the article was written by, she knew that it would be a cracker. harry had smashed this one out of the park, putting a smile on paige's face.

"liebe, are you okay? i know that the media can be harsh sometimes, but, this is light of them unfortunately. the worse is yet to come."

"yeah, i'm fine, i think. it seems a bit weird that the media now know who i am. i always wanted to be in the news, but i don't think this is what nine year old me was thinking."

"you seem overwhelmed, do you need to lie down?"

"maybe, i," she took a pause, of which kai took as a yes.

"that confirms it. come on, lay with me here, liebe. this is completely normal, it'll get better, i promise. get some rest, you'll feel better in the morning."

the young girl, not feeling overwhelmed in the slightest, closed her eyes whilst resting against his chest.

"i love you," he whispered, causing paige to feel content.

not in the sake that she was loved, no, it could never be that. please, reader, be realistic.

she was content for the sake of her plan was working, and could not wait to report what had happened back to saffron when she wakes up.

what fun those two were going to have, messing around with kai's heart.

we knew this was going to happen, and it's about time they begin to paint the bigger picture.

favourite crime - kai havertzTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang