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the morning after the night before, kai woke up in an unknown location. completely out of mind, he burst up, accidentally knocking the sleeping girl beside him. now realising that he was at paige's apartment, he mumbled an apology to the somewhat startled, awoken girl.

"sorry. didn't recognise where i was. thought something had happened to me," during this, he played with his hands, as if he were a child after being told off by their mother.

"hey, it's okay. i felt that i was going to wake up anyway. how are you feeling? y'know, about last night...?"

his mind soon drifted away to the island of 'last night'. his heart filled with glory, pride, and feelings that connote feeling safe, and appreciated. for the first time in his life, he felt something in his heart spark with passion.

and it felt true.

oh, poor kai. so innocent. (well, like a rabbit in a sense that he has no clue what's going to happen, but in the bed, it's a completely different story line).

"it felt good. i'm glad i got to spend it with you. i don't think it would have been the same if it had been with someone else," he replied, with complete and utter honesty.

"you're so sweet, liebe. i enjoyed it, too. i was thinking, about us," paige paused, thinking of a way to say 'i'm literally going to make your heart break into fifty billion pieces, but make you hurt so bad by making you believe i love you with all my heart even though i'm basically using you', without saying that.

inevitably, she spoke. "i've been thinking that we should start dating."

he was took back with such a comment, he knew he had strong feelings for her, but never knew that it returned.

"i've been thinking about us, nearly all the time. but, erm, i was scared to say anything because i didn't think it was the same back."

"oh, i know," she said, assertive.

"what? how do you know?" kai asked, confusion filled from his head to his toe.

"i mean, i know i feel the same way back. and i've been thinking of you a lot, also." paige spoke nervously, nearly being caught out by her real feelings and her ability to read that man as if he were a picture book.

"ahh, okay. so, are we dating?"

"take this as your yes."

she leaned in and pressed her lips against his, a sense of warmth created in kai's heart.

paige's stayed similar to a stone.

anyway, they kissed with intensity and passion, as if they were like real lovers.

such a shame it's really a one-way relationship.

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