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paige promptly arrived back to the apartment before kai got too suspicious of her. when he walked out of the bedroom to the living room, she ruffled up her hair as if it was meant to be that way in the first place, and rubbing her eyes to smudge her mascara even further.

"love, where the hell were you?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her, keeping her tight in his embrace. "i was starting to get worried."

"sorry, kai. saffron was wanting me for something and her tone made me scared. i rushed over only to find she was wanting me to choose her outfit for a date she's going on," she laughed, clearly in disbelief in her apparent actions.

being the perfect actress she is, tears begun to form in her eyes as if a wizard just cast a spell upon her.

"really? oh, sweet, come here." he lied down, paige taking her place on his chest and letting him stroke her hair. "i love you, y'know?"

"i know. i love you too," she whispered feeling kai press a light kiss to her forehead.

the two stayed like this for a short period, before paige's phone rang, with the contact 'harry t ;)'.

"oh shit, i've got to take this, one minute," she spoke, leaving his embrace and going into the kitchen to answer the call.

"who is it, love?"

"erm... a friend from work," she quickly responded, closing the door which connected the room she was in, and the room kai was in.

"harry! what the fuck are you calling me for?" she whisper-shouted, completely baffled as to why he decided now would be a good time to hear her voice. "you know i'm back with kai!"

"sorry, paige, but i figured you'd want another story soon. about kai. it's been a while,"

"yeah, yeah, sure. just give me like half an hour. we'll go to the restaurant we went to last time, the one with the necklace."

"le gavroche?"

"yeah, that one. be there by 8:30. we'll be there by 9 latest."

"okay, brilliant. the promotion is on the horizon!"

"nice, nice. right, i need to go now and persuade kai, see you tomorrow?"


"alright, talk later,"

"yeah. buh-bye,"

paige soon returned to the room, where kai was very glad to see her again.

"how was it?"

"yeah, it was okay. i was wondering, do you want to go to that restaurant we went to on our first public date? i'm craving french food,"

"erm, yeah. go on then. i'll make a reservation for 8:45?"

"perfect! i better go get myself ready."

by 8, the duo set off, ready, and as expected, harry was there, with his camera and many reporters surrounding him.

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