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"Avada Kedavra. Two silly words, two words that in a few seconds can snatch the one you love the most"

At dawn the next morning they were still there, side by side.
Hermione was the first to wake up: she looked at her best friend of hers and smiled, she hoped he had cleared up.

She would do anything for Ron and Harry, even break all the Hogwarts rules.

Waking up , he too quickly returned to the common room, just in time for breakfast.
Ron was in the doorway, next to the picture of the Fat Lady, who was always pestering him with gossip.
The two Gryffindors hurried towards the entrance:
- Where have you been? We were worried!-
Ron asked surprised

- Were we? - asked the raven in confusion

- Well yes .... me and Cedric.-

Hermione shifted her eyes to Harry: no reaction, nothing at all.
The girl was delighted.

- Come on, let's go-

The following three weeks passed smoothly: between study, laughter and bickering.
Voldemort's threat seemed to have been forgotten, or nearly so.

On the day of the dance there was a great excitement: after the lessons the boys poured into the corridors, all euphoric at the idea of ​​dancing with their companion.
All. Everyone except Harry.

Ron had managed to invite, under Ginny's help, a pretty Ravenclaw girl.
But Harry none. Although he was the Chosen One he had not accepted any invitation, and trust me that many girls had tried the company in vain.

Hermione stayed in the room for hours to get ready.
- What's up? Why are you staring at me? - Asked the girl laughing while she applied the mascara and from her mirror she could see that her boyfriend was staring at her absorbed.
- Nothing. It's just that you are beautiful, I can't wait to see you wearing the dress and above all, the ring - he said dreamily
She with a smile and a tongue walked away from him entering the bathroom.

As soon as she left the room Ced was literally speechless; his gaze explored the figure of the girl , who blushed.
No one had ever looked at her this way.
No one had ever loved her in this way.
Perhaps with one exception.

He took her hand with the ring and bowed to her:
- Come on, stop it! You will make me cry! -
He sighed laughing.

He couldn't even imagine all the tears he would have shed.

As they descended the main staircase, they realized that dozens of students were staring in amazement at the magnificent dress the girl was wearing, as it occupied half the staircase.

Harry and Ron were there, in the company of the Ravenclaw girl.

The Chosen One was struck by that vision of her: he had never seen her like this, no one ever had.
You believe that I am referring to her appearance of her: no dress, no sparkling object could have made her as she was in that instant, because it was her happiness that made her shine.

Curly went up to his friends and with a nod greeted Ronald's companion:

-Good evening your majesty, ready for the party? -The red said jokingly.
- Stop it! You're exaggerating, it's all about Ced.
He took her hand and kissed her: it was at that moment when Harry saw her ring on Hermione's finger.

He closed his eyes, aware that he was starting to lose lucidity. He clenched his fists.

The Great Hall was magnificent, decorated exactly for the occasion.
Dumbledore called the students' attention:
-My dear, in these dark times there are those who say that it is not appropriate to think of frivolities, but tonight we are here to get together, to reconsolidate our friendships and our bonds. We must be strong, united-

You and I? ImpossibleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang