Discordant opinions

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"Jealousy; the supreme evil; nothing is as destructive as it; it can penetrate even the most chaste individual, even when nothing has happened."

Hermione wanted an answer, and now too.
Harry vented: - Since we see you around him you don't look like you anymore, I think you are ...
- In love - she concluded
Harry no longer had the strength to speak, he was furious, he still didn't understand why.
Ron, who had been silent until then, tried to make peace between them:
-Hermione, do not be angry, you are our friend, we are only afraid that he ...
-He what? -
"May it hurt and hurt you," Harry completed sulkily with fervor
- Since when do you two know each other about love affairs? -
-How long have we cared about you, always! - Harry warmed up
- I'm glad you care about me, but Ced is a good guy, he would never hurt me; we love each other- said Hermione remarking

That word kept destroying Harry and Ron. Harry was upset and distressed, Ron was heartbroken.
Hermione was perplexed: she didn't understand all that agitation.
- Now let's go to study, we have many things to do ..
Between homework and jokes, those of always.

Dinner was approaching.
Clap; Hermione closed the volume of Potions and threw herself on the loveseat.
Ron continued undaunted to observe her, Harry instead scribbled drawings on the parchment ..
They got ready for dinner; arrived in the Great Hall they took their seats.
Cedric sat down at his table, right in the seat opposite Hermione: he watched her, winking. She smiled at him, blushing.
Harry, injured, turned to Ronald, who luckily hadn't witnessed the scene.
As every evening the dishes were delicious and our dear Ron threw himself headlong among the dishes :)

After dinner, Professor McGonagall called the students to the attention: - Professor Dumbledore asked me to announce that this year the school will organize a dance, it will take place in 3 weeks! Older pupils will have the opportunity to purchase the necessary in Hogsmead. That's all.
You can only imagine the turmoil that was created among the students.
who would invite who?

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